Spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can… etc. Spidy time people yay. The last film of phase three, after this we have no clue where the MCU is off to next, were going down a jump hole not knowing where the clicks are taking us.
I basically left my desk in my office at 5pm on the dot to make sure i got a good seat for this film. It did come out 36 hours earlier, but i wasnt risking it. I got into screen 5 with about 1min before the adverts started & there was already a few people in there. I got my preferred seat. I’d say the cinema was probably 75 if not 80% full which is pretty darn good if you ask me. Screen 5 is fucking huge too.
Triflers we had 3 which was quite nice for a change if im honest. We had the new Terminator film which looks really odd if im honest. Arnie is starting to look old. Then we had the extended 4min Hobbs & Shaw trailer. Is it August 1st yet get me to this film. & then the Lion King ones all kind of mashed together which was nice. Sitting there going awim awy awim awy was quite coll doing that with Pumbaa (apparently its 2 aas now?).
& then the film started… & i cant really type anything now so enjoy me struggling to get some words down in the next 20 mins or so this is going to be interesting.
This is film 23 of the MCU right? surely you know to stay for at least a mini credit scene if not an end credit scene as well come on this has been 11 years worth of wait as its not over. Okay sometime they dont pay off, but others they do. I would say about 20% of the cinema left before the mid scene & another 25 people before the end. They are going to walk into their next MCU film, not knowing whats happened or go home & look online & go holy shit what the hell did i miss. Thats how good the two credit scenes are seriously dont leave the cinema people. I am seriously thinking of watching them all in order due to some of the bits that happened. Has it been a lie, was it always hiding in plain sight? Oh man. Both of them were off the scale & have made phase 4 so much more interesting now.
Thats a lot of time typing on 2 things not actually in the film i know. They were just so epic & thats what you leave with that you forget how good a film you have actually just seen, because its a work of art if im honest, it really is. Any other year especially in phase one & the start of phase 2 of the mcu before we went winter soldier, this would of been one of the greatest MCU films of the year. This year its coming third probably in most people list out of three because the bar has been raised sooooooo much. Spiderman has become a victim of his own success.
If i’ve said this once ive said it 500000000000 times. Jake Gyllenhaal needs a fucking oscar. His chemistry & bromance with Tom Holland is perfect in thsi film. I want them to star in more films together forever. They just get each other. At no point does the relationship feel false or forced upon us its organic & both of them come out of this as better people actors & characters. Its just stunning to watch.
Zendaya is also just so brilliant at being awkward & she is just amazing, especially on the bridge & then later in the tower they are just some of her standout moments in this film.
I jumped once i wasnt expecting something to happen quite in the way that it did, so well done marvel for surprising me with that.
There are some proper little throw back & lines to do with the MCU the snap (sorry Blip were calling it the Blip seriously) & other pop-culture bits. Most of it comes around Happy which im so glad he was in the first MCU film & the last one of phase three its very poetic.
EDITH is very good too.
I just have too many questions that i cant ask or answer in a cinema club review after one watching of this film. If there arent any films on next week that im into (hoping for Anna to be on in theory) then i will be back to go easter egg hunting, ive got stuff to pick up on & work out.
End of the day it is the perfect sign off for phase three. Its funny, its action packed, the acting is on point & the effects are so clever. I just loved it & i will talk about this film to anyone once they have seen it so we can fully go over what really did happen.
Go see it people.
PS (like my own mini mid credit scene here) there was no Stan Lee Cameo which i only realised like a day later watching another film. Its only weird that he wasnt in it now i have realised that.
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