Little Kids if you read this get your parents to read it first & tell you what i say.
Monday night cinema viewing on the hottest day of the year so far. This screen had better have air con as my cineworld has had some problems with there screens with this recently (ive not been to screen 7 does it even exist?) so yeah let go pretend to be little again & go & watch the new Space Jam film.
Okay this is a kids film right well its marketed as a kids film, however why would you bring your 2 & 3 year old to an 8:20pm screening of Space Jam? Why would you do that? The group behind me of 3 mums did that with there kids. After the first 5 mins of crying & screaming at the film & the noise they then all fell asleep & then they left before the last 15 mins of the film. Urgh seriously people. There were a few more familys in there but in all honestly it was full of 30 to 40 year olds with no kids who saw the original back in the 90s & want their nostalgia fix.
Kids film trailer… urgh none looked any good at all. This is what happens disney when you skip the cinema we end up with trailers for crap like Spirit, Paw Patrol, & something else really crap. Nah i aint buying any of that. Non of the voices sounded good either. Nope not seeing any of them.
& then the film started… Im going to say now that it was crap… however it was everything i expected it to be so it was good in its crapness.
Im going to talk the best bit of the film which is about 85 to 90mins in when there is a Cameo & it is so epic… i properly belly laughed for a good 5minutes & missed about 5 jokes im sure. Its amazing & it is why the film is good the fact they had the guts to do what they did & it just sets it up & get the tone perfectly & there were kids in the cinema looking at there parents & the rest of us going, i dont get it while the rest of us fell apart in hysterics. I laughed so much it started to hurt.
I like the fact the Space Jam films always start by showing the highlights of their basketball careers thats brilliant & i was so glad they did that to Lebron too. Perfect way for people to catch up on how big a deal they are if they dont know about him.
Lebron isnt a good actor, i mean hes a basketball player after all. But when hes just the voice actor when hes animated in toon town, thats good as they can make him do whatever. Don Cheadle’s villain is good & he works his arse off to be really menacing & corrupt & he does well considering what hes made to do. He is upstaged by his paper clip (not MSFT Windows) assistant paperclip thing, thats sweet.
After about 10minutes in its quite obvious this is just a big advert for everything Warner Brothers have released in the last 10 years & the next 5 going forward. I mean the Potter reference when they get there is good & theres a matrix reference which was funny. But it is just a 2hour advert for Warner Brothers with a basketball game that turns up half way through.
Didnt think when i went into the film that part of my review would include this as a line but T S FUCKING A!!!!! HEHE yea dont read this review kids thats why i warned you at the top.
You know the exact 2mins in & where we are going & how its going to end. You dont need Acme to solve this for you. Its very predictable but its still nice.
So yeah it is crap, but i laughed i smiled & i felt like a little kid again watching it. This isnt for your kids to watch this is for you the parents & the people who saw the original. Its 90s nostalgia updated & a huge advert for films coming out soon. Its madness but go with it peoples.