Time for my last cinema treat of the year this time it’s pops popcorn (hay that actually works hehe) & his treat is Star Wars. Please don’t be a let down please please please. Ive read some of the hype & some of the review & its either its brilliant but not necessary or its worse than the prequels. Im really hoping its the first i really am.
So as i had said this was my last cinema treat of the year for people. So far i had taken mama to see the Darkest Hour & Littleun to see Tomb Raider so Pops got to see Solo lucky him. We also realised that since Disney started redoing star wars we as a due or family (not me on my own) have only seen Star Wars at the Connaught in Worthing, which is a bit mad really. So i took him Saturday afternoon in June. & also as i had my refund & £3 credit too from last time it was even cheaper hehe happy days.
For a Saturday afternoon at 2:30 it wasnt actually that busy. I was able to pick the best seats in the house (2nd row from the back bang splat in the middle back row gives you reverb noise) & the row in front of us was virtually empty but the row in front of that was full & id say the floor was 30% full. but yea for a Saturday in half term (i know its been out for a week already) i was expecting more people if im honest.
Trailers we had some really odd old anime film which does nothing for me. Jurassic World which im still not falling for ( our next film quiz is Jurassic park by the way help people) & then it was Oceans 8 (pops said bullock is starting to look a little old bless her) & incredibles 2 which america get soon but we still have to wait until July to get. Its not fair.
& then the film started… & i wasnt disappointed. Nope i really really enjoyed it. It was a proper origins story & has so many levels it can move off to, if Disney decide to go this way.
Before i properly start typing unless your child is completely Star Wars obsessed & has begged & begged & kicked up a storm & pleads every day to see this star wars film, dont take them to see this. Its a really good film which as an adult is complete but a child there is too much going on for your kid in this film. They also will need to get there head around the fact that Han Solo isnt Harrison ford, which will confuse them. They will still enjoy it but its not as crazy as the rest of Star Wars is. There you go you have been warned.
The train sequence which takes about 15 minutes of the film, is bloody fantastic. Its worth every penny it cost to create that scene. Its just amazing. When it finished i was sitting there like yea more of this please. I need more that was amazing. Problem was we only got back up to that level once more in the entire film & that was due to more comic timing (the mini Droid Revolution bit). So its epic the train bit but it doesnt get upto that standard again.
Im fully up for the Droid revolution by the way, L3 had some of the best one liners & comic timing ever. Especially her equal rights bit. Why am i relating to a droid more than anyone else?
I know its about Han Solo but i need more Lando… i really do need more of him. Donald Glover stole the show. He is perfect as Lando & i want to know more about him i really do. Sell me that Disney & i will be front & centre for it.
Everyone was good in the film, there was one point where Emilia Clarke was so pissed off i was waiting for her to scream for her Dragons. But Bettany & Harelson were just so cool, especially Bettany who only had 2 scenes really in the entire film, yet he was the real glue holding it together. Its saying a lot when im not mentioning Alden Ehrenreich who is Han Solo. He was a good Han & portrayed him well but hes got one problem no matter how good he is, hes not Harrison Ford is he?
Once again Star Wars left me with too many questions about it going forward. Especially that revel of ahem blah blah spoiler spoiler shhhh not being spoils shhhh you’ll spoil it for people, which happened near the end shhhh. Dont tell anyone, Pops & i have properly gone but how the hell has that happened & does that effect Jedi?
The film is a victim of circumstance really. None of it the actually film or actors faults but just everything else. Poor Marketing, coming out in a really busy cinema period of the year, where there are many alternatives & this isnt top of peoples list so they will pick another to go & see (thats Disney fault entirely there being greedy), there being too much star wars (Disney again) & the re-shots & director change & delays to editing. Its amazing that through all of that, they still got a really good film out.
I need this story line to continue Disney im very invested in this there still a gap with this before we reach a new hope i need to know what happens in that gap. Yes it was a film we didnt really actually need or ask for but i really like it. Im happy to follow you down the Kessel run if no one else is… well except Pops. He thinks this is even better than Rouge One.
I’ve also just learnt theres something called Wookieepedia… wtf how did i not know this existed?