Friday straight after work to go & see Sing 2, sounded like a good idea, it really did. A nice little reward for me week at work at work & almost the end of January. Yea this is going to be exactly what the doctor ordered. The first one was harmless enough with good songs & morals & a proper new feel about kids films. So yea lets do this number 2 lets do it.
Why did i go to this showing? I was the only odd one. It was full of family’s & it was full & all the kids were throwing popcorn everywhere & they all chatted & points where there was drama ruining it for other kids. I mean of course someone’s going to over come their fear, but 3 of you dont need to say it out loud do you. Nah thats the last time i see a kids film at that time again.
Trailers, super pets (the rock as superman’s dog maybe) the bad guys (probably not) Sonic (yes team tails) & there there was another trailer but i cant remember it wasnt good (dont worry it wasnt lightyear id be screaming from the roof tops about that film).
& then the film started… & it lost its charm & style of the original, & that was part of the originals appeal. It just didnt hit the same core as the first one did. Its like they started off doing that & then it just became a generic kids film sequel, it really did.
So i know Matthew McConaughey doesnt want to say Alright Alright Alright in every film, i get this. But this is a kids film, we need something for the adults, even an Alrighty would be nice, maybe an Alriiiiiighhhhtttt…. None NOT ONE!!!!!!!!! Im sorry but you do that for the adults watching it so then they go yes got it. Wasted opportunity.
When even the kids in the cinema work out what going to happen in the film & certain characters, you know its too easy a plot & dont by numbers dont you. I mean it was pretty obvious what was going to happen as an adult, i get that im not the target audience, but when kids aged 6 are busy saying stuff like that, youve gone too safe.
The Audition process is still the best part of the film. That Snail singing Drake on a smart phone, epic. That really is the highlight, it got the biggest reaction from all ages in the room, more of that please, thats where the films charm is from.
So most of the songs are going to be recognised by kids thats the point, they are all songs from the last 5 years sang by there favourite animals (& of course Johnny has got to play the piano {Taron & Elton}) but by having Bono as the lion & having U2 songs throughout, there were kids sitting there going like what the hell are these songs. Whats all this bit about this is weird. Theres a 5 year old listing to i still havent sound what im looking for… kid your parents werent born when that song came out, hell i wasnt, you need to earn your right to hear that song, not hear a lion & porcupine sing it. Nah
I like the piglets they are sweet & cute. & that assistant with the megaphone.
There were some good life lessons for kids in the film, not as many as the first, but still in there, but some of it was missed with the glitz glamor & sell out of it all. Which maybe that was the point they went for fame & fortune & forgot themselves along the way much like the film did.
Well if youve got kids take them to see sing 2 for 110 mins of entertainment (its long for a kids film that) but if your an adult stick to the first one. Its so much better than this one. I know thats often the case, but the first ones got heart & soul & community & this one was made to get bums in the seats of the cinema.
I feel sorry for the people cleaning up that screening.