Friday 4:50 film yes please peoples of the internet lets get to the Odeon & see a movie before i get home for a quick dinner before the Liverpool Southampton game hehe.
Screen 2 was pretty packed lots of family & groups with kids & lots of nerds like me which is always good, who are just swatting up as they have another super hero film to see.
Trailers were Dark Pheonix, Endgame, Far From Home & Pika Pika. All standard all to be expected & all i will be frequenting my cinema for. Oh & HOBBS & SHAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously hyped.
& then the film started… & it was better than i thought it was going to be which is saying alot, as it was okay.
Zacharey Levi is really good. The kid that also plays him is good, but i thick Zach really does well at trying to be a 13 year old & testing his powers. I know its not difficult to pretend to be a teenager. We all have days when we just want to slam our door, sulk & listen to rap-metal, but he nailed it at times he really did.
That all being said a super hero is only as good as their villain. Step forward one Ben… sorry wrong film hes done DC already… Mark Strong. He is just fantastic as the villain he really is. He outshines everyone else in this film & the plot. I want to follow his arch going forward. I need more of that.
It was nice for a DC film to not end with a beam of light coming from the goods that was quite nice. The showdown before that where Marks doing his epic speech about justice & evil is good, especially as they cant here each other. We did need a bit more of a build up before we got to the end though it felt a little rushed & we needed an extra 20mins of the film to make it feel more epic & heroic.
The youtube bits were cool to test his powers, but the best bit of the whole film is the supermarket scene. Just watch the film for that bit nothing else. Its going to be the thing most people talk about with this film.
Its got some good morals too about family life & how your decisions effect everyone. It also has good values to stand up to bullies & over come your fears too.
This is going to be good for kids & teenagers between the ages of 9 & 15 after that you only watch the film for the fact its a superhero & for the amazing villain.
DC may finally be learning there lessons at last, still its a little bit to lat for them to catch up with everyone else universes.