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Time for the 4th Secret Screening of the year so far. Joy Ride, Talk to Me & Scrapper are what i have watched so far, so im really interested as to what we are going to get tonight. Hehe bring on the mystery. However appartenly Vue put up exactly what the film was going to be & then took it down straight away. So this will be very interesting.

So the 7:45 Wednesdy showing was 70% sold out. Maybe a later start put people off, but i would as always sa y right mix of ages too, always good to see lots of different people at the cinema.

Trialers (which at secret cinema sometimes help) Hunger Games, Someother Hood, The Marvels, Killers of the flower moon, Ferrari. Thats not helped me.

& then there was the long wait for that title card to appear (i swear its longer) the odeon clues had been confusing, vue had changed the run time a few times & there was all sorts of rumors as to what it was going to be Saw, the old oak, the grater Escaper. They were all mentioned before & online, but i should have stuck to my orginal guess…
The film was… THE CREATOR…. & the cheer & the noise of people going yes & going wow was the loudest ive heard at a secret cinema screening ever. Some people left at the start & the couple who were sat 2 seats along from me left half way bloody through… WHAT!!! If i was that guy id dump my girlfriend for that, becasue he was so into it, & he looked gutted when she asked if they could leave. Love go wait in the car for an hour go grap a coffee. Let him watch the film, because 3 minutes later something large was revealed after they left.

I cried. Twice. At a goodbye & at the finale. I was sittign there telling myself no this is cliche, your better than this, but no there i say & cried & relaly felt for them & had so many emotions going through me. It was just beutiful & nailed it entirely. I was just floored.

I liked that what i thought was the end of At 3 ended up being the start of act 3 & we had another 30mins after that. That was a nice added bonus. & so were all the people who werent included int he trailer who i didnt know about. I just kept going omg they are in this oh my god ahhh & i did almost become that DiCaprio meme.

I loved the the past films in this genre. I mean its easy to say this is Rogue Two it really is, but Star Wars does shape what we all expect star ship & weapons to be like, & there are some bits where i was like ahh ive seen this before in scifi but its doing it really well.

This is very much a human story though & shows the future & what it could be but also how wer are also so stupid & evil & how we are eventually going to be our own dimise. We are in it for ourselves & dont care about anyone else, because we jsut blame whoever doesnt think the same as us. Its not nice to watch at points but it has to be, becasue thats the point.

John David Washington is now a full on leading man. You trust him in so many genres now. He is so good in this. You know why he is one the case with this & why he has to do at poitns for personal & professional reason. He just owns it. & i now really reall ydo look forward to any film hes the lead in, & you now can no longer say i have Nolan bias about that.

The Score was phenomenal. Goosebumps, shivers some oh god moments. I mean its not no score like Oppenheimer, but its up there for sure. It just works & is so good.

If youve seen the trailer which was everywhere you know a bomb goes off in LA, so that happening when it did was insane, but damn when they drop any bombs at any points, its horrible but also so cleverly done. I think this might be a trip to screen X film if im honest to see them drop them on that kind of scale.

The trailer isnt missleading but there are part of this film that i wasnt expecting this film to cover at all but damn it did & it made it better for it.

I said there was act 3, if you watch it you will actually realise its in 4 acts which is clever.

The kid is really good. They are amazing & how the child grows & gets more confident in their performance matches the AI. Its so clever, espeically one point.

Its not the best script in the world. I will admit that, but oh my that would so be how youd talk in this kind of war where you are struggling. It felt real. Of course youd then randomly do this or that. Situation wise it was so correct.

I genuinly sat there & was like yea this so could happen & be real. Which is scary but i recon stuff like this could happen in my life time.

When it was over there was a collective breath by the cinema going ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because it was done. It was so intense & insane & i loved every second of it & its one of the best Scifi films this decade so far by a little while. It just ticked every box for me & i cant wait to tell people about this & get them to the cinema to see this. We need original content & this is hittting the mark so well.

Speaking of hitting… Ive hit the golden buzzer
Its not necessarily going to this film but its been hit on 29 September ekkk.
You just got to wait to find out what it is now peoples.

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