Secret Cinema time!
We all love these, you never know what its going to be which is always so much fun. You pay your money you take your chance.
& the odeon clues were not helpful at all. So cheers guys for that.
All but full was screen 5 for this. Right mix of ages, plus it was part of the unlimited season for Freebies. So you could tell who was a member as to who had a blue slushie. HeHe, shame their straws were crap.
Trailers… Flight Risk (2people left cos they thought it was going to be that), Companion & September 5 (thats what i thought it was going to be).
& then after the extra long BBFC card the film started… It was Presence!
A film i was undecided on seeing so this made me watch it.
2 people left straight away & 4 or 6 others left during the film. I get it this isnt going to be everyone’s cup of tea.
This isnt a horror film, like advertised. Its a slow burning psychologically twisted film. This is all built by the way the movie is filmed. Its very cleverly done & i dont really want to tell you because you need to work it out as you watch it peoples. Trust me its worth it. It was a clever way to make you feel unsettled & on the edge of your seat. The whole aura just worked. This is really hard to say about because i dont want to ruin it for you but i want to say so much.
Urgh men again. When something was revealed i was like oooh of course thats the case, bloody idiots. All the red flags were there, why was this ever the case.
The family dynamic was cleverly done & the conversations before knowing & then living with the presence, was good. It showed how things can change so quickly & who believes in who & who really does have your back. But there was a sub plot with the dad which i thought was also going to be resolved in act 3 but no it wasnt. That made me angry that i didnt get answers as to why that was the case.
Each scene was one take & self contained which was a good way of filming it. You knew then that the next thing was going to happen.
It was well paced until we got to the bit before the finale of act 3, youd worked out what was going to happen & then were just like oh god get onto it &wondered if there was going to be more circumstances after the event happened but no it didnt.
They didnt make that house very homely except for the 2 kids bedrooms. All of the downstairs didnt feel lived in, even when they tried to make it so, it just felt like oooh let leave that there to make it look like someone had used it.
Yea i dont want to say anything else. Its best you go into this as blind as possible, to get a real feel for it. Im glad it was secret cinema cos i might have avoided it as the trailers made it more scary than it actually was. It was still creepy & uneasy at points, but it was good.