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Just you stop me from going to secret cinema people, just try & stop me now. Today was a bit of an experiment too. Its the first time ive driven home had dinner at home then returned back to Brighton since we have moved offices for a 7:30 movie, so this was to see that i could be done. & i am happy to say it can be. Also none of the odeon clues helped with what this film was going to be. So i am utterly clueless.

This wasnt as sold out a the one i went to the other week. There were a few empty seats in my row but it was at least 60% full my screening. I got there at 7:40 as well so didnt actually speak to anyone at my screening only saw the trailers.

Which were, the blackening, haunting in Venice, the creator & the new film with Emma stone in ( cant remember what it was called). a proper weird batch, hard for you to work out what the film is going to be from that.

& then the title card appeared… this weeks secret cinema was… SCRAPPER! yea i hadnt heard of it either… it was interesting & sweet.

The little girl in it, was so good. The perfect representation of later childhood early teens in the UK. Trying to prove to herself she can do it, while going through so much shit in the real world & everyone failing her & just trying to make it in life. She did a really really good job at being so strong but also so vulnerable.

Please can we stop trying to make Harris Dickenson a thing. He is not a good actor. In everything i have seen him in on the big screen, hes always looked out of place or awkward & isnt a very good actor. & i have seen him in a lot in recent & all sorts of stuff to. The best performance hes given was in The Kings Man, but that was more due to he had to nail that part. I’ve given him the benefit of the doubt before, but its now just showing hes not that good. & he was the lead her & could get away with being awkward as a single reluctant dad, but no he was the worst part of the film.

All the kids in it were good actually. Properly got the right vibes from them all. They all just worked & it was clever seeing them from all sort of different places & bringing them up.

Why at two points in this film did we have like an interview documentary style for then it to be forgotten about for the rest of the film & then brought back at the end. It wasnt like they were following her around asking why she was doing stuff. It just felt weird to suddenly do that. IT felt weird.

It showed the stages of grief well. I had worked out what he plan was earlier on in the film, but it was still sweet to see it in the reveal in act 3. that was nice.

Was that Smithys girlfriend in Gavin & Stacey? I was sitting there going omg i know here, almost like the DiCaprio meme does. It was her/

The film also shows how the system & the current way of the world fails people which is really important to see. Its not all nice people on tv, no people actually do just struggle to get by.

Theres a bit at the train station thats hilarious. I laughed a lot at that, was my favourite scene in the movie.

The film has heart & soul, but did it need to be in the cinema? Probably not, more fitting for something on more 4 or BBC2 in about 3 months time.

It was sweet & it did cut you in the guts & make you go lifes bloody shit isnt it sometimes, which unfortunately it is. But i wouldnt have seeked this out if it wasnt for secret cinema so it did its job, in that respect.

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