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Secret Cinema on a saturday… yes please ahhhhhh i cant wait to do this, this is going to be fun. I’ve missed my advanced previews i really have, so this is going to be brilliant. That an issue with where i work now, its perfect for going to the cinema straight after work & seeing a 5pm movie, but a 7:30 advanced preview is harder. So this is going to be interesting & fun. Im buzzing.

It was packed, so packed. I guess thats what happens when you put secret cinema on a saturday night. I mean im very happy with that. One sad note, i saw Adam… I asked him how he was & thanked him for sorting out my issue the other day. He remembered i was inception girl, but then told me he was spending tomorrow with his girlfriend… gutted. Oh well.

Trailers at secret cinema you always pay attention too, it helps to work out what its going to be. So we had haunted mansion, Barbie (still cant believe they use the meme music in it), some film on a beach & Strays. Stray was interesting… mainly because Odeon were doing their VIP screening on the same night & their clues lead to one of 2 movies & one of them was this. So unless cineworld ws showing a different film it was likely to be the other.

& then the film started… (& i swear Secret Cinema they put up the title card slower than any other film)… It was the other option from the clues… Secret Cinema was… JOY RIDE!

Id seen it advertised a couple of times & it looked very cliché, which if im honest it is for this film genre. A group of friends go on a trip to do one thing & then due to circumstances they end up on a different trip & then they all fall out along the way after growing stronger & then madness ensues. We all know how it goes we really do. But compared to some films like this recently in the genre, this was okay.

I did laugh a few times. Most of them were sniggers, but there was a kid at a playground & a tattoo, which had been myth & then was ridiculously over the top & crazy. I almost spat the rest of my coffee out at that. It was rediculouse, but im glad they went for it being over the top. It needed the pay off & needed to make people go oh for fuck sake. I think i was almost at the point of crying with laughter but not quite.

Act 3 took a very serious & though provoking direction, which did work, but considering there were some bits that were insane before that & then it whimpered to the end of the film, i dont think it earnt that serious moment. I mean it did prove something important, that lifes not always what you think or what youve been told, but it hadnt earnt its self important proper moment. & then the finale was just average & i was expecting so much more than that.

Her art…. insane, completely insane, but it was so clever & had a very good point.

The Kpop i get that i do, but it then did just become a music video for all of 5mins which we didnt need.

Your online friends are your real friends & will do anything for you, they really will. So dont let anyone tell you otherwise okay peoples.

There was also a hotel stay over which was so what happens on those trips, but could have been so so much more than it was. & when the hilarity of that part was done it was never mentioned again, which was weird.

I might have watched this when it came out depending on what else was out that week, it was much more fun that i thought it was going to be. It didnt outstay its welcome & for people who adore this genre, will have an amazing time watching this. Its fun & was better than i thought it was going to be.

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