Double bubble Monday’s
Why do the odeon keep putting films I want to see on at like 6pm or 6:30 it’s a real pain so I have to make it worth my while & do two in a row every now & then. So today was the day for the next double header.
This film hasn’t been very well advertised iv seen it once as an advert in the cinema & 1 advert on you tube & that’s been it & ive been hooked for it. Based on the films premise you’d assume it would be all over social media to prove a point, but nah not seen it at all.
Therefore how surprised was i when screen 7 was half full. Not bad at all. Really odd mix of ages too, there were some pensions & a group of 10 year olds it was that diverse. I mean good on everyone for coming. It’s not a 2 for 1 day either.
Trailers were venom, predator, mile 22, king of thieves & there was one more too. Oh what was it come on brain. Oh it was a simple favour which I can’t wait to see think that’s out when I’m away tho boo not so good.
& then the film started… & this is the first time in a long time before I’ve done a mini review. But my next films now starting booo.
Oh wow this is such an important film that everyone needs to watch seriously. It really does make you think what would happen if this happened to you & how your friends & family would gain access to your online life & social media & sort everything out.
Its unique is low budget but it is perfect & scary. Probably because it is so honest about the modern world. Social media was just starting when i was a teenager & we didnt have broadband so i couldn’t spend forever on Bebo (yea Bebo remember that wonder if that still exists… quickly googles it kinda its now a streaming place for innovating apps not a proper social network like i used to have) or myspace.
Beautiful, sad, warming, mesmerising, heartbreaking & thrilling. There are some properly good moments which warm your hearts & make you think humanity is all good & then there are some horrendous gut punches like, its properly no no no it cant be, & then your on the edge of your seat as you seriously believe you will not get a happy ending.
I seriously feel that film film should be shown to kids in year 5 or 6 (a censored version if you get me) but i needs to be shown in schools so that kids & teenager understand & that they become a bit more aware of people in real life & online.
I seriously cant hype this film enough. I will be talking about this film for many years to come as its so important & really can change people perception & make people take notice of things they normally dont second glance at.
This is really easily a golden buzzer contender, which for a film that i thought i should see & did so because i had the time, says an awful lot. Everyone must see this film.