This is what advance previews are really for. Films like this. Ive watched the trailer countless times on youtube or in the cinema & im still not entirely sure what its going to be about. So im intrigued. That is good marketing for you. I cant wait to get lost at Saltburn & if its crap it still Richard E Grant.
It was packed. Except the row in front of me which had like 2 people in it & the seat next to me. all people around my age too which is nice late 20s to 40s. We know we want to see this film. 4 people left half way through the film by the way, it clearly wasnt for them.
Trailers, Ferrari, Napoleon, Dream Scenario, The Marvels & something else but i cant remember what it was. It was something indi & British but i have no recollection at all.
& then the film started… The decision i have to make write now
Do i just say watch this on prime when its on there in 10 days time or do i write for England hmmm… WRITE FOR ENGLAND!
I know i shouldnt start off with the final scene of the film. But if i had that kind of life & money & style & whatever & that song came on (if youve seen the film you will know what i mean) Then i would do the exact same thing too. I really would. Because why the fuck not. Insane but incredible & i smiles & my foot tapped & it made me leave the cinema feeling even more incredible that i did for the first part of the film.
The only reason this hasnt got full marks from me is that he didnt know he would get all this, at the beginning or why he wanted it all, other than to belong. & then i do get the afterwards but still. Thats the only reason its not got full marks from me.
Barry was incredible. I mean everyone was but Barry was different level. He was mesmerising with his portrayal & it just worked. He just owned it. & the supporting cast. I mean any film with Richard E Grant in gets a star from me, & then Rosamunde Pike ahhhhhh but all the other people too. I just was spoilt. & Carey, being poor Pamela. Its only like 3 scenes but ahhhhhhhhhh.
The whole its 2006 vibe was brilliant. Because i was not at uni at 2006 or at oxford but i was a couple of years younger than them. So seeing the whole 2006 vibe of it all & the late 00s was brilliant. I loved he had the charity bands & his outfit & the way they went drinking a certain way. It all just felt so right & so spot on. Karaoke doing Flo Rida ahhhhhhhhh. I laughed so much.
The Maze i knew the second there was a map of it, that it was going to be important.
Ive seen tense lunches in films or eating scenes but that one. Ahhhhhh. Dark but brilliant. It just so would be how that would go down. It was perfectly awkward.
I think i worked it out early on & then was amazed how it all came to fruition. I mean the pebbles helped a lot. but ahhhhhhhhh. It was cleverly done, because i knew how we were going to end up with it ending but damn the trip it took us to get there was wonderful.
The first bath tub scene, when you watch that you go oh really bit strange, but thats nothing compared to the one later on not in the bath (although there is another not nice bath scene) but when hes saying goodbye & grieving for someone. Damn. That was wrong & awkward & i was like why cant i stop watching this. It was phenomenal & disturbing at the same time. Im guessing that says a lot about me if thats the kind of acting i enjoy because it had to happen even though it was so wrong. & it was so so so wrong but he had to.
The uppertyness of oxford students too. Spot on. So So spot on. You sat there going yep weve all met someone like that.
His birthday part was brilliant. I mean we all want a birthday party thats crazy & what an outfit too. Midsummers night dream was incredible.
I love how we went from flamboyance to grey dark & gloomy quickly. It was so well done & shows that life does just turn like that & theres no explanation for it.
That other kid at oxford the one at the start. I thought there was going to be more to him but there wasnt. He was there to prove a point but then never be seen again, which unfortunately is the point with that kind of person in that world.
The twist before we get to act 3 at the start of his birthday, that really got things moving & just made it all go weird. I mean i then get why act 3 becomes iconic, but it felt so awkward & you wanted to hide in the chair much like he did, but it just worked so much. Damn.
Im going to stop writing. If i dont i will spoil it. But ive not looked at my notes at all, because this had such an impact on me.
I should not adore this film, but i bloody do. Does that make me a bad person or need help… maybe, but i dont care. When the script acting & vibe of the film is that spot on… it just makes you smile no matter which genre it is.
Please watch it when you all get it on Prime in a few days time. Because then i can talk about it with you all. This is going to stay in my mind for a while.