Its Star Wars sundays at cineworld at the moment woohoo. Time to complete my collection of seeing them all on the big screen. So lets start off with Rogue One just cos its the best of the new ones & then we can get to Star Wars & Return of the Jedi… FUCK! Im on holiday for Star Wars!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! oh well ill almost be valid then.
so i booked my seats when they first said they were doing these so about 8 weeks ago for the showings i wanted… & then James Earl Jones died this week, over night the screening of Rogue One went from being a third sold out to completely sold out. Wooohooo.
How many people asked me where i got my bag from… 3 & i overheard someone else comment on it oooh yes. Its Mando by the way.
Trailers, Wicked, Venom, Mufasa, Moana & Gladiator II (MARCUS!!!!!!!!!!)
& then the film started… you can find all my other star wars reviews here & this is still my second favourite.
When i left the cinema there was a girl & her brother leaving with their parents & chatting a lot to her dad, she had Grogu ears on & a little storm troop toy & she said quite confidently “when i grow up i want to be as brave as Jyn”… I had a little cry when i got back to my car. The next generation are being inspired to watch star wars. All of my friends kid (yes i know im a millennial without any its my choice) are going to be the next lot of people going ooooh wow this is magical.
It got a full on cheer & applause at the end of it too.
If you dont love K2S0 then we cant be friends. He got so many laughs watching this.
When Jordan from Rizzle Kicks turned up i did hear someone go Local boy done good. Hes from where we live & its always nice to see him in this even though he dies, although actually almost everyone does.
Darth being menacing was insane. Bens look on his face is just one of pure terror. I love that he didnt know until the day before he was going to share a scene with him, it made the nerves real. But that last scene when he arrives & kicks the shit out of everyone on that Rebel ship, everyone moved onto the edge of their seats. Its must watch cinema & was iconic from that first flash of red. Goosebumps.
Whenever anyone climbs in this film, it fucking hurts, knowing exactly what it means now & the lore of it & survival means so much.
Mads literally steals every scene hes in. The guy is a fucking legend & so cool & gives the best hugs ever. & that is saying a lot cos hes in two scenes with Ben who i also adore.
I also love the fact that they do almost kill everyone off. The leads no one gets a happy ever after, which is sometimes life. Its not always the victory you expect or for it to be triumphant.
Solid new planet, brilliant ways of connecting the prequels to originals, amazing characters, everyone with a decent reason to be there & the building of hope is brilliant.
& who doesnt want Simon Farnaby as a pilot.
Also the whole not looking at a problem until it becomes yours is a big issue with the world today, we need to learn this from star wars. We really do.
Yea this is still the second best film in star wars. Its just so much & as someone who was like i dont need a film telling me why they built the death star… yes i bloody do. & as much as the force awakens got us going, this is the one that people will revisit the most. Just a couple more years before we can really go on about how glorious it truly is.