So this is when things are going to get a little out of order but oh well. I need to start writing some reviews to get them across onto here, otherwise im going to be a long way behind so this was watched in November 2018 but this is my first chance to type since. So apologies for everything being a little all over the place as i move bits across
Also obviously i cant remember what the trailers were like or how many people were in the screen, but i remember it was a weird bunch of ages, guess Robin Hood brings that out a lot really.
Although what i will say is that i love the poster of which some of it is on this Strap bar. IF anyone can find it for me that would be brilliant & i will love you forever & give you 30 popcorn points.
So review time… & quiet honestly even now much later on after watching it, i bloody loved this film. I really did. It was a right good go of a film.
Taron is now becoming a proper movie star, he really is. He is adding strings to his bow (pun entirely intended) but he is growing into it so much & this proves he can be a bit more of a serious action man as opposed to being a funny action man. & Ben Mendelshon is the ultimate bad guy at the moment. He really is, he is now a little type cast at it but whenever i see his name on a film list & see him in a long coat i go oh hes evil im in for that. He really is your go to bad guy. He was full vile & completely epic.
& then theres Tim. Lovely Tim Minchin. & only once did i want to sing you dont eat pigs etc. I like the fact the he narrated it as well that was very clever. I did giggle a lot & i like the fact that because he was telling the story he was always just a little bit ahead of the rest of you.
Not enough Jamie Foxx though. I know its not his story its Robins, but he turns up trains him & then every now & then pops up to shout at him from time to time. I needed more for my money. More of him less Jamie (cant believe i said that).
Some of the side plots in the film werent really needed & were just added to pad it out a little bit. There was one that was good, but the rest nah we didnt need it.
I also wish that it had just ended, as it has set itself up for a sequel, which i would be happy to see how far they go with the next one. But after a critic mauling & not to big a take up at the cinema i dont think we will get one.
Some of the chases & set pieces were epic & full on & beautifully shot. It really was at times like we were Peaky Blinders instead. The fight at the start was a little Assassin Creed & the one at night with the fire was beautiful .
Im sticking with my praise for this film i still really enjoyed it i really did & if the only reason your not seeing it is because there are no tights then shame on you.
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