Monday night with the Jackman… yes please that sounds lush. This film seems to have passed alot of people by, It had one huge marketing puch back in May when everything reopened & then havent heard anything about it since. It was only because i checked my cineworld app that i realised the film was actually out so lets go have a look shall we. I think this might be my kinda film.
There wasnt many people in the cinema for this. I got there & 2 people were already in & maybe another 10 joined us. Everyone was late to 20s to early 40s (so the Nolan generation fi you get me) & one older couple.
Trailers, Candy Man (nope) No Time to Die (yep) Shang Chi (yep) Cop Shop (nope) & then Dune on that big a screen AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Bring the sand i am so up for it.
& then the film started… & i got it & i really enjoyed it, but it does have its faults.
The film knew what it wanted to do & knew where it wanted to take you with the idea, but it thought it was much better & much more self important & aware than it actually was. I was giving you the facts & the exposition you needed but it made you think into even further than the film wanted you to, so when it stopped it was just like oh what really, why can we explore the next thing. So it let me down there.
It knew it was cool & stylish & it felt it though every scene. The reflections in the water, the lighting, the outfits. IT all just felt very cool & a film for the right time.
Jackman & Ferguson are both amazing. Excellent chemistry, a perfect twisted broken relationship. Newton is also so remarkable, but we need to spend more time with her to make her more real & relatable. Her performance was still really good.
Who here watches Cinema Sins on you tube? If you dont get on to it, they are wonderful. Well when Jackman started narrating at the start my inner monologue just went NARRATION! & i was just like oh god help me. Thats how good they get stuff, when they do this film, i would like a shout out at that point please.
Everything is so well linked, you cant miss one second of it, because it all comes together at the end & perfectly suits everything anyone said or done about anyone. Its so good at tying up what it wants at the end, but not all of it.
The flooding i get but then it only really talks about those who can afford to protect & save them selves with money & that the poor are poor. That day time is too hot. I was really hoping we would go into a bit more save the planet stuff & how the current generation need to save the world, but nah it didnt go that far, it needed the balls to do it.
So they are all veterans & keep mentioning this war & why certain things happen, but the war is never really explained & why thats the case, & why some were enlisted & others werent. I dont think they fully explained it, well i dont remember it. I know bits about what happened during it & why people are like they are but still, a bit more background would have been good, to help me invest in this world & why the pain was so much. Also did the war end?
The machine & the way it shows memories was brilliant, so lush & well formed & filmed. It was a nice way to show it. When he does start with the were going on a journey speech each time, i was like Nolan & DiCaprio want there money from waiting on a train Jackman.
Taxi river boats, epic.
it doesnt go off on a tangent every no & then but you do need to stick with it, when random characters are suddenly introduced you do need to just go with it for the end pay off.
I can see why people wont enjoy this, a little bit too much thinking for some but as someone who likes to think & be tested by a film i really enjoyed it. Okay i am left with more questions than answers at the end of it, which i dont think i will ever know the answers too, but i still liked it.
Such a huge shame no ones seen it. People need to give it a chance & open their minds to it. You never know some might even enjoy it.