Oh a 51 hour gap between cinema trips god, that was such a long time. But I’m back, back to my Odeon & a 5:20 film so I’m only going to get Home round 8:15 ish.
My FBI agent who monitors me must now be very interested in me as iv seen red sparrow a Russian spy film. They are happy it’s no longer the greatest showman soundtrack anymore. Especially with what’s happening in the uk atm with the Russians. I’d say about 20 people in screen one which is a shame really. Unless everyone went to see it at the bad times next week when I didn’t, but I’d still expect more.Trailers we had some weird one with Claire Foy being in a mad hospital. There was Lara going to take my sister next week to that, seriously can’t wait.& then there was another horror film too & then the isle of dogs but very different to normal much shorter & snappier.Then the film started. I may report a few more spoilers than I usually do in these review mainly because some of you may not like what happens in the film, & it might make you leave like some people did in my screen. In total 4 left.I really enjoyed it. It’s not your typical Russian spy film. It’s properly gritty & grim & violent & really awkward to watch at times. You just sit there going oh god.
Its not set against the cold war which is nice for once thank god for that. There are a fuck ton of twist, which you are just sitting there going hang on whos side am i meant to be on here, whos the bad guy? & all the actors are well established that you have seen in a load of other films who you dont really trust as thats the kind of character that they play. If that rocks your boat this is the film for you.
You have to constantly re-evaluate whats going on in the film. Every 5 minutes some thing will change & you will just go say what. Its easier to keep up with inception on a first viewing i think (i dunno i will ask mum when she finally sees it).
Everyone was really good in this film. Lawrence (love my girl) shes just stunning & mesmerising as ever a proper hero, however her accent does have its moments when you go oh good thats bad. Other than that shes faultless as usual.
Right spoilers bit, so sorry about this just scroll down to the next paragraph. Theres a lot of torture & rape & physical & mental violence in this film. The scene that made people walk out was when they decided to peel the skin off the person with a electric cheese slicer basically. It was properly oh my god no but it would be what happened, so it needs to be in the film. I think there were moments where this film did go a little bit over the top with it, but in a way i think it was needed.
Its a very solid story which was well told & didnt just have a its another Russian american spy film about it. It had soul.
Its main issue though is the fact you will need to watch it twice. I know theres bits i missed when the big revel happened. So this will require another watch just to check that i go it right.This doesnt make it a bad film oh no theres been much worse this year already, it just it need to brew & then when you see it again, you will enjoy it much much more.