Time for this years festive offering. Its time for Red One. The film about Santa going missing staring The Rock & Chris Evans. Ive not seen the best critic response so hopefully its still fun.
This is actually kind of cool. Today im doing back to back cinema. Yes i am. I am going to see this & then Paddington again straight afterwards. Ive not done back to back since 2020 & not since moved to cineworld so this has been a lot of planning.
So in order to time it properly so i only had to move my car for 5mins to not geta fine, i walked into my screening as the trailer for moana was playing. Then there was sonic & then Wicked. I missed 15 of the 20mins before the film woohoo. Also didnt really see what the age range was for this film. Was shocked it was family trailers, but i guess thats what the distributer is aiming for.
& then the film started… Well it wasnt the worse film of the year for sure, but this isnt going to be a christmas classic.
So the best part of this film is Chris Evans, by a country mile. Hes funny & is a really interesting character with a lot to unpack & we could have gone deeper into why he was like how he was & his & his families back story. However i do believe he is holding it back a bit, & i think that was to make the rock look like a better actor. Im sorry but its true. The rock acts one way & yes its brilliant for wrestling & a certain type of action film, but this did show him up a bit. I know Chris isnt Chis Pine dont worry, but hes still much better than the performance he has given in this one.
I understand the message. Its your typical christmas one. The we all need a bit more christmas spirit & love & care at christmas & its not all about the food & the gift but your beliefs moral & those you love be it family or friends. But when you have the man who is “Klaus” which is the best modern christmas film, & hes getting “jacked up” as santa, its like hang on a second. I didnt need to see him hitting the gym. It was just a little bit weird.
The whole “ELF” division was weird. Like i get it but it was still odd & off.
I get what it was trying to show. We are very much a consumer world & yes its a shock when santa is stolen & they do their best to get him back. But the only redeemable character in the entire film that shows any real morals or chrismas spirit at all it Mrs Clause. No one is really likeable at all.
The bit on the beach, did they just want some time away & to chill while filming. It felt completely misplaced. The CGI both there & at the party they go to (no spoilers) & the Polar bear were a little bit suspect at times.
Really easy to forget villain. She held no real power & never seemed a threat. Also i get her point but it was so easily flawed there never felt like there was any real danger to it.
The idea of all toy shops being festive portals, thats a brilliant idea. I love that. Wonder how many kids will try that.
Im not going to lie, the ending felt so rushed. It really did. It was like a Netflix 2017/18 ending. The final showdown was all in the dark, over far to quickly & just very much a roll your eyes at it moment. With this idea it could have been one of those films where you go the final face off made this really good. But no it didnt stick its snowy landing.
If this comes on now tv or netflix next year after a evening at the pub or out for dinner, i will grab a bowl of popcorn & go meh its background noise, but if im honest, i got a bit bored at the cinema watching this. It is very much a meh christmas movie.