Adults only screenings of kids films are bloody brilliant. I love that Cineworld do that from time to time. & tonight is that night. Yes i am going to see Puss in Boots. Ive never seen the original or the last of the 4 Shrek films, so im hoping i can just pick up with the knowledge i have. I have had a few people recommend this to me as well so im excited for it to see if what they say is right.
As its an adult only showing no one in the cinema can be under the age of 15. So the 4 17 year olds were id’d before they went in hahaha. But it was mainly millennials like me who had grown up watching original Shrek that was in there. Id say there was about 30 people in total. Not bad at all.
unfortunately as its a kids film, all the trailers were for kids movies. & other than the new Mario trailer can i remember what the other trailers were for… nope not a scooby, sorry kids & your poor selection choice.
& then the film started… & it was fine. It was perfectly fine for a kids film. I recon this might have been on of the one times to go see it with a cinema full of families & not an adults only showing.
Puss is still adorable, there is no denying that at all. That ginger little kitty is so sweet & Antonio voices him amazingly. I love it. Those pig black large eyes (cant say puppy dog hes a cat).
I was not expecting Florence, Olivia & Ray to be in this film oh no no no. That was a nice surprise. I almost lost my cool when i heard there voices & then Harvey as the puppy in the film ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (where was Nandor when you needed him). One hell of a voice cast who made it all so effortless ( Selma obviously good too) but yea wasnt expecting some of these people, so that really was a very nice surprise indeed.
It got very cliché at point i have to say but it is a kids film. Its got to demonstrate some morals & life lessons for them hasnt it. Appreciate what you have & who your family are & be grateful for what you have in the world, do wish all that away. It will work for the kids its aimed at.
So there were points where the animation style swapped especially for the action sequences. I mean i get it but we went from something so smooth with textures to something jumpy & anime at times. I mean it was good but it was weird that this was suddenly happening at points. Im guessing they wanted to remind you that fights are jarring & triggering but it was a weird choice. Felt a little odd.
Theres a point where Puss is having a panic attack & it takes something simple to help him out of it & just calm him down. Im glad that was included that even heroes have moments of weakness. Thats very important to show kids that, so that as they get older & these things happen to them it just all melts away a little & calms them down & makes them realise its okay to have moments like this.
Some of the jokes were not for kids, especially with the opening scene, his death & anything with Death. they were all for adults entirely & we all had a good laugh at them. Its not quite she lives with 7 men but shes not easy is it?
The opening scene was carnage, it was like the opening of Babylon but for a kids movie.
It did feel like this film should have come out about 5 years ago tho. My generation grew up with Shrek, so its weird that its out now when our kids, if we have any, arent quite yet at the age to properly appreciate this yet.
The villains room of magical artefacts from every film possible, loved it. My film nerd brain was going all over the place clocking them all as they were in there & then later on coming out of the bag.
Over all it was a decent movie. Im not sure the animation change helped it if im honest. But im sure family will really like this film. Theres nothing to dark for kids, death is laughed at (literally) & its sweet & almost all of the characters have redeemable traits. So take you family to go see this film, im sure your 5 to 9 year olds will adore this.