Again no original intro written & its been a while so less chit chat before the start.
Advanced screening time. Time to go see Plane. A GERRRRRRRRRAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR film that paints by numbers (& yes you still need to scream his name like that them be the rules). Im expecting this to be like London has fallen light.
Id say it was half full. What was interesting was that i couldnt book my favourite seat as someone was in it as an odd one so i booked one 3 seats away & then when i got there the guy in my odd seat asked if we could swap cos his friend had purchased the 2 seats next to me. Happy bloody days.
Also Adam was there! yes Mr Hot Cinema man was back, in a suit training someone, so i didnt go say hi & ask him out, hopefully hes there tomorrow (ive not seen him since did i dream him up). Also theres a last of us Billboard on the drive to the cinema, so i did stop in minus 2 on the way home in the ice to take photos of it for the girls.
& then the film started… & it did exactly what it said on the tin. It was mid level action popcorn film movie, with some drama but we all know how its going to end.
Butler still kicks arse. He does. He throws some people about, has them in a choke hold, shoots a few bad guys, has a dysfunctional family & all sorts of random stuff that happens to him in all these films. All the boxes were ticked & worked. If the formula isnt broken, it doesnt need fixing. A couple of good shoot outs too. Yea hes good & he is the main reason to see this film as he carrys it.
Unfortunately the enemy were a little non descript & i didnt actually care about them enough before we got to the start of act 3, so when stuff did go down i was like okay, a b & the c are gonna happen & then possibly d but am i bothered about that, nah not really.
It was nice for a film made during all the lock downs to not be set in a stately home in england somewhere & for it to be in a plane & then a random island, very clever. I mean you can tell due to the number of cast members that it was filmed then. The actual storm & plane take down at the start was chaos & all over the place, but because its a Butler film you just accept it. But the actual island is just like okay these are the most over exaggerated circumstances here, its crazy.
We dont actually see to much of the grim violence, most of it happens off screen or is alluded to, which for this kind of film is a bit like hang on ive seen you do worse than this before peoples. I mean its still not nice to even imagine, but still. You see more bodies & left over dried blood than anything else.
Are the passengers really that naïve? I mean yes its a film, but still some of them really do act like idiots. I mean yes i know its life or death but still.
We dont spend enough time with the people in the control room trying to find them as well. So when they sit there & talk about strategies, its like okay, your not helping to much, you hindering if im honest until we get to act 3, but lets be honest you got bloody lucky here. I mean we know thats what happens in the world but still. If your going to give us scenes like that, make them a bit more gritty & not just as filler.
So this is the perfect example of a popcorn film in 2023. It knows what it is, it makes you laugh, its got a few ahhh moments & a couple of good fights & shoot outs. If this arrives on netflix or sky cinema its well worth getting some friends round on a saturday night to go ooooooooohhhhhh at, but anything more than, dont expect it. I had fun & it really does exactly what it says on the tin & in the trailer.