I think the delay in me posting this review isn’t because i was busy, or out most night this week or all weekend. I think the delay of it says a lot more than that.
So time for the cinema again, lets go watch Johnny Deep & his Pirate mates try & save the world again, lets see if they can so that.
Trailer wise was the Baby Driver, The Mummy, Transformers & something that i cant remember but looked interesting (wasnt the hit mans body guard or Dunkirk would have remembered them) could it have been spider man… maybe not sure.
Cinema had about 15 people in there which for a rainy Monday at 5:15 was okay i guess films been out for a little while too.
So the film the fact that it really cant decide which title it wants to use in any country is bad. Its not like we’ve met Salazar before & know why he wants his revenge is it & hes not dead really is he? stupid titles i know its got to be called something how about breaking new waves as were trying to introduce the next set of people who will move the franchise forward.
Have to say Johnny Depp does a good Jack Sparrow in this one, he really does. I mean its not black pearl or the dead mans chest but its better than 3 & 4. Hes very convincing as Captain Jack & he really does steal the show.
Why have Steven Graham & then not use him enough i really really don’t get that hes just there as a random odd pirate. Use the man for fuck sake hes amazing.
Geoffrey Rush is always good as Barbossa or who ever he plays for that matter, but even he at points looked a little like I’ve got to do this again oh well fine then. He is good & i’m glad he double crosses his double crossed double cross, that was good.
The rest of the new people i didnt care for there story i knew where it was going & i still couldn’t get on board with it, just didnt grab me at all.
It didnt pick up from 4 really you could have just skipped that one in the story the only things you needed to know was the ship was in a bottle & that Barbossa had a wooden leg. Nothing else related to the 4th one at all.
It all just felt very boring & samey from previous ones. It was like they had taken the first & thought okay lets do this again but make it nowhere near as fun or as creative. There weren’t as many jokes by everyone else, the fights weren’t as well choreographed. It just felt very lackluster, like it was from a ,money making factory. They need to take some lessons from Marvel down the office or the fast & furious guys to keep this going.
I really do hope that this is it for pirates unless they have an absolute stonker left to tell us. If not this is the perfect place to stop people before you taint our memory’s of the first two’s joy any more. Its just feeling a little too hollow now.