Well considering I only watched the first one on Tuesday it felt fitting to see the new One while it was fresh in my mind. He’s also got the best Christmas advert for M&S at the moment better than John Lewis defiantly. So it was Paddington Friday.
5pm on a Friday is good for me. Went to the beach first to view the Amazing night sky of my city. It was so beautiful. Then off to Costa for a ginger bread latte too with an actual ginger bread man on it yes yes. Had to show security my ticket, limitless card & let them search my bag.
I think I raised the average age, I mean after all it was a kids film & there weren’t many groups or individuals of just adults.
Lots of Christmas adverts coming out this week, they had the M&S one didnt have John Lewis it had only come out that day, but they had the sky cinema Christmas advert for which i stopped & put my phone down as id hear a rumour it was good. In fact id say the whole cinema stopped & all the parents told there kids to be quiet… & i cried, i cried watching fucking Christmas advert what the hell. Really… oh man im going so soft.
Basically its a little girl on Christmas day watching the sound of music on her parents tv which is all grainy & old & not good sound quality & her mum sits there & teaches her the songs & they watch it every Christmas & then this Christmas its on sky cinema on a 4k tx with sonos surround sound & her little girl sits there & both the daughter & mum teach the child raindrops on roses.
Then we get to the trailers kids films so you know. We had Olaf’s frozen adventure… oh yea im not just going to go to the cinema for a little short though sorry. Then we had Ferdinand which is John Cena as a bull, wanting to be more that just a Spanish Bull, looks bad but you know it John Cena destroying stuff why not. Then it was Early Man yesyesyes hurry up January. & then we had a warning to say that this is an advert for you parents to enjoy & maybe not the kids & then they showed a tamed down daddys home 2 trailer which was basically will Ferrell getting hit & Mel Gibson laughing at him. Yes Odeon yes yes yes.
& then we had the M&S advert & then Paddington 2 started.
genuinely the most heart warming lovely funny sad emotional film ive seen this year. I cried i laughed i sniggered i though oh bit close to the bone there, i was shocked there was enough adventure & shock it was what everyone should go & see in the cinema.
Mama Popcorn’s boy Ben Whishaw (she love that man) was brilliant as paddington, he was so sweet & heartwarming & brilliant & just wow. You forgot it was a cgi bear you really really really cared for him.
Hugh Bonneville & Hugh Grant both gave there best performances for donkys year. Both incredible both funny & both not like they were just in it for the fun of it all & they pay quench. Both were stunning. Kudos.
All of the great british comedians & comedic actors are it in as well. Im not listing it will take way too long, but it was just like oh yes they are it in yes yes yes. & of course Brendan Gleeson & Noah Taylor in the prison completely believable.
Some of the best scenes of the entire film are the prison senses, especially when the browns come to visit, & they meet all his friends & they are all hard men & then theres a dodgy MP in there who refuses to comment on anything hahahaha.
That being said theres a race with a bin man thats pretty cool.
Love that the calypso band are back in it thats so random but such a British thing to do.
Julie Walters has an amazing line about not being able to trust actors… which in the current climate of film is actually very true, im sure thats gone past editing a few more times in the last couple of weeks to check its all okay & not tooo ohhhh really. Obviously that straight over a childs head but to a parent or adult watching it…
It hadnt helped that i had cried before the film started at that advert, but i think i cried twice watching the film, especially the end where you just get over it & then cry again & then it all happens again & again. Brilliant ending proving that a few small acts can change everything.
Stay for the first part of the credits too people its so brilliant.
Paddington 2 has a rare thing on Rotten Tomatoes at the moment 100%. Lets keep it that way peoples. One of the best films of the year by a long way. Its charming & everyone from a 2 year old to a 102 year old will love it & enjoy it. There are no flaws in this movie at all (except one bit with a sandwhich but i forgive them for it). Take who ever you love to see this film… like right now what are you still doing reading this go go GOOOOOO!!!!