Advanced preview time, yes another one. Look i missed out on a lot of these last year & im sure if i went to more id have got to the magic 100, so im making up for lost time. This one i think is going to be to soppy, but you never know until you go & see it.
I got to the cinema a little late so i didnt really clock how many people were in there, blame a gig at the Brighton centre for this. I literally walked in as the trailers were starting.
The trailers were, challengers, Civil War, Back to Black & Furiosa, which was an odd choice but i aint moaning.
& then the film started… well i guess that got me out the house for a couple of hours, it was nothing sensational.
What is it with american seeing someone day drinking & going oooh you got a problem? Seriously? If that was the UK the amount she drank wouldnt have been a problem. That didnt need going to see someone or going to AA for & yea, she gets drunk completely like 3 times & 1 of them she should be looking after the kids, but that was in the space of 18 months. Urgh. Yea thats not a drinking problem. America maybe sort out your guns more than drinking.
I get that this film was a religious movie, i do know that & i knew it before going it. But it was never a bloody miracle at all. It was always people helping or doing stuff. There was no miracle about any of it at all. I get that you want to put your faith in it but god didnt help at all, in fact if you did believe in that god, they hindered you all a lot. Yea it got very godly at points.
Swank was good & is easily the best part of the film, with her story line & acting but if im honest thats like saying Jack Sparrow is the best part of the 5th pirates movie. Its not hard is it. I mean that dad was good but he was very wooden & in the moment he had to pull it out the bag it was just very average. I needed more emotion from him & what he was going through. Yes i get men “are not meant to show emotions” but still. Urgh. A bit more from him would have been nice.
I love a ticking clock in a film, but not in a real life story about a little girl who might die from a storm meaning she cant get to an airport. No you dont do that film. Bollocks to that. It also take away the dram of the fallen tree & extra snow thats not going to help them. We all know she will somehow get through & obviously all the main people throughout the film all turn up at the right point to help too. We had drama you didnt need to do that movie bad move.
I get that everyone in the film needed to have someone to help them do this or find a resolution but by the time we met like the fifth, i was over it.
It was too long this film, all the side bits just made it all just go really i just want to get to act 3 please. I get that to make it a film you need to add bits too it, but how about more about the family or some more backstory. It was just like come on lets get to this eventual hospital appointment. It was full of filler for no reason &could have easily been at 88min film.
It was sweet & did come from a good place, but nah this was too serious & god affirming for me. Im sorry but this was just about average & that is all i can say about it.