0 5 mins 6 yrs

I apologise hugly, i saw this film a while ago but have since been on holiday twice then had a horrific cold & all sorts of stuff has happened & now im packing for the next holiday, so if i dont remember every little detail i am sorry. But im here & im typing & my pc isnt updating for once so lets do this people. Lets watch & review one of the most hyped films of the year.

So im here ready for back to back films so i can get as many in before i go on holiday as i can. So i am seeing this first which does mean a bit of a jog from my office, but then i can see anther straihgt after this.

Trailers…. Trailers… Trailers… Trailers… & THEN IT HAPPENED

Right sorry bout that. it really didnt matter what the other trailers were for if im honest. Right refocus girl you can do this. Theres a film to watch here.

& then the film started… hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm thats not your best work quentin if im honest, not even second best.

I mean compared to some films i’ve seen this year this is a darn good movie which is so clever & provoking, but its just not up to what i expected to get from Tarantino & i feel a little let down by that. His problem is the rest are all just a little bit too good & this is just a standard film.

That being said, this was the DiCaprio & Pitt come back film & they both nailed it. DiCaprio when he moans at himself for being bad actor & all those bits of that whole set up are just amazing. Seriously as much as that little girl says its the best acting shes ever seen in her life, it really is some of the best acting i have ever seen. Seriously every single second of it is just oh wow from the fall apart from the line to the tears to the depression its just marvellous.

Brad Pitt when he gets high is also a huge fun bit of the film it really is. & is so not a Brad Pitt thing so i love that too.

I feel sorry that there’s a side story to this film which actually has no actual real effect on the end of said film. You waste a lot of time thinking okay so how is this all going to cross paths what’s it going to mean when will these stories meet up & then when it does you just kinda go, oh is that it. Okay it is key to the end but i wanted so much more for that part of the movie to be more of a pay off.

Some of the staging was stunning from that huge house, to the little camper & even the film sets were just oh wow. It just all felt right for the era. Maybe they did a bit much driving around in said film, but that was more to prove a point.

Can we all acknowledge the Italian film directors names for those films, they are the inglorious ones right? I laughed at them no one else did… im sure im right with that.

Some of the cameos be it people remade from the past (im not going to discuss the Lee bit think everything’s been said & Tarantino has answered it) but all the other actors who just appear in the films for all of 2 mins with like 3 lines because Quentin either always uses them or because they want to be in said film.

That dog was bloody good too.

So it is a good film & story & it does make you pay attention to it for the pay off, but its not as epic as i wanted it to be. I wanted more. That doesnt make it a bad film no way, its good. It just lacked that killer blow that you expect it to give you.

Says a lot when the Trailer for Tenet made me more excited than the film i just watched.

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