Wednesday night straight after work cinema time, mainly because the only other time i can do it is really late at night & im thinking this might not be the best film to watch then drive home & then try to get to sleep after seeing straight away. Time to go & she Old, & hope the its not like John Barrowman said & is a complete waste of my time.
With 5 minutes to go i was the only person in my screening of old, which i was happy about as it meant i could hide & be scared as much as possible. & then everyone turned up including a couple 2 rows behind me who talked throughout the film to which the person behind me 30mins in went to them & asked if they could at least whisper there conversation. Id say about 20 people in the cinema in total & most people around my age so late 20s early 30s. There was one older couple.
Trailers, why if i go any film with a hint of horror in the theme do they have to show pure horror film trailers, fuck off i dont wan that im here for the thriller not the horror part. There was a woman in a house which looked odd, candyman which looks unnecessary & something else ah dont breathe nah dont want to see that ever. Im here for the idea & concept of the film, horror just happens to be apart of it. Let me drink my coffee & not be petrified of trailers please.
& then the film started… & i wonder if John Barrowman & i saw the same film. Okay its not the perfect film but no way is is absolute shite & worth asking for a refund for. No way, thats a huge insult to it.
If you are clever & can pick up on it from the start, you see the twist (its a Shyamalan film you know theres going to be a twist somewhere thats not ruining it for you) coming quite clearly & why its how it is, so when the revel happens later its like ahhh i see.
I mean how it took so long for the people on the beach to work out what was going on. I know its a surreal situation & you panic but still, it takes them a good few hours to realise exactly what is going on. & considering some of them have skills linked to medicine or risk or stuff like that & there kids suddenly change you do sit there & think oh come on people you can work this out that your aging rapidly. & then after that it take them a while to realise why its them its happening too. urgh.
Some deaths & things that happen in the film are shocking & oh god & you do go ewww, but theres only one thats really horrific & graphic, the rest you sit there & you dont see to much of the aftermath or the gore linked to it. I was expecting it to be more.
It was good casting for the kids as they got older & turned into teens & then adults, that was very good & how certain things were displayed too was very good, but some of the aging wasnt that visible on some of them.
The escape attempts, really film really thats a stupid plot hole & then oh god was it really that simple. When it was that case it really was like we went through all of that to end up there seriously. There were some bits that just didnt make sense & lead to plot hole which were a bit like really we are doing that oh okay then.
I mean the end does make sense if you work it out like i did before hand, & in someway that is very good point.
No Fish!
Its a bloody good concept & idea for a film, i just wish it had been done with more of an idea or in-depth or more people added to it, then it becoming what it became. I still enjoyed the film dont get me wrong but i feel it could have been handled differently & made into a more meaningful film than we got.
Id say go watch it, its not that scary but it has its moments & is a very interesting film.