The rest of the world have had this for the last 3 weeks & we for once are one of the last places in the world to get this for some reason. I didnt think id have to mute this but i have. Also ive been up in london all weekend, so heading to the cinema straight after 4 days of crazy lushness & adding to core memories, this is a good way to end it all. Sitting in air con watching horror, perfection.
5:40 films on sunday hit weird or maybe its just because ive had such a busy last 4 days, but there is such a chill vibe here today. Everyone is just a millennial & having a lush time & saying hi to everyone. Im loving it. Its pretty packed too. Everyone desperate to be on the edge of our seats for this.
Trailers, don’t worry darling (yes) Bodies Bodies Bodies (advanced preview booked) Shazam (probably) Avatar (nah) smile (nope no way thats too much for me). Proper mixed bag of biggies & indis but im here for all of that ish.
& then the film started… now every person ive talked to about this film, or when ive done a mini review for it its always ended with the line oh just see it so then we can chat, so this may be a hard write up to do. But it is soooooooooooo worth the watch.
So ive been in london all weekend, not a cloud in the sky, glorious days boiling hot. Then i go see Nope & i leave the cinema & suddenly there is a shit ton of clouds outside… seriously planet really. I mean theres not been one bit of shade since wednesday & you decide to do that as i come out of a thriller based on what it in the clouds. Nope no no no dont do that to me. I drove home very carefully.
Peele has found his middle ground. I mean i love Us, but it was a little to intense at times. This is a good middle place between Get Out & Us. Enough ahhh crap scary bits to make you hide, but its not all the fricken time your worried. I felt much calmer leaving the cinema after this that i was expecting to do which was nice.
I love that when anything slightly odd or weird in the film happened in the film, everyone in the film literally went Nope. I mean you would tho. You would just turn around & be like nah i aint dealing with this shit, aint no body got time for that. you would tho. & every time someone said that you heard all the cinema do a little chuckle. Its one of the most truthful things to happen in film this year, maybe even this decade. Some light relief before shit went down.
The unstructured chapters really worked well. I really liked that, as each time we got to a new one you were like well how is this one gonna go down. You had the idea by now & were just interested as to how it was going to transpire.
The TMZ guy, bloody deserved what he got.
The whole cast were amazing. Keke & Daniel dont need to much more praise they are on a a level where they always deliver, its hard to think that they wouldnt just be that epic. But the guy who played Angle from the it store, i liked him. He was a brilliant actor & character. He was the perfect fit for the role & i loved him Properly good.
Peele is so good a capturing Trauma in peoples eyes & expression & that scene in the office before it happens is up there with the best of them. Theres a reason we all need a beach walk to get rid of the cobwebs & the pain was real there.
When that moment happens just before act 2 ends, its so ewwwwwwwwwwwwww & a very hard watch but you watch it & then cant take your eyes off it just to see how or why. & then the blood rain afterwards…. my cinematography mind was going all over the place it really really was. It was loving it so much.
Everything is bloody linked & there were some bits mentioned early on which i didnt realise i would need later on. Im sure i missed a couple of things. I grabbed on to most, but im sure i missed something earlier.
I get the monkey & the fame & the side show etc, however why… it wasnt linked other than the fame & clinging onto the past, other than that i felt we put a bit too long into that. I was expecting a bit more from it if i was honest from that perspective.
The end was perfect. If you had told me what i wanted for act 3, that was exactly it. So much drama & stuff going on & random shit & ahhhhhh just amazing. & yes to tube men hehe.
So yea its hard to explain, but when you find someone whos seen it you can then just both look at each other going oh my god. It is so worth a watch peoples, it really is. I cant wait to watch this again in the correct time period to then give you a spoiler review. Its one of the easiest 5 star review to give out this year.
Jordan youve made another masterpiece.
An epic way to end my epic few days off.