Monday night at the cinema is always a very lush wasy to sped your monday night. Someone actually on film twitter the other day asked me why i say Lush so much & i just sent them the Gavin & Stacey clip & they went ahhh fair enough that is lush. anyhow yea a nice chill way to start off the week by going to see the lovely Mrs Harris.
So i know im not the target audience, & i know im now getting old, however i still lowered the average age by about 15 years. A group of at least 8 ladies came & sat 2 rows in front of me, youngest was about my mums age. & one of them turned around & said to me you alright dear… they later asked if the unlimited card is worth its time & money & i said if you use it enough. They were all so nice bless them. But year late 50s up to early 70s were the age of most people in the cinema & then there was me aged 32… & not one of them waved hello at any point… if you know you know…
Trailers… Oppenheimer (i will soon spell that correctly without spell check i will), Living (its filmed in worthing YES) Amsterdam (yes booked for the weekend) Lyle the crocodile (maybe) Emily (theres a film named after me…. what the hell probably) & then the new Collin Farrell which looks lush. Oh its award season isnt it.
& then the films started… & it was just so sweet & the perfect way to start a busy but chill week. Didnt know i needed to see it until it was over.
Right now thats done… I really enjoyed every acting performance in this film, be it the leads, someone who pops in from time to time to just a random person on strike. They all looked like they were having fun & really enjoying working together. Even the people playing upperty people (who you know i have an issue with) were still played well & there was only one i was like the hell, but they got their comeuppance in one of the nicest way possible too.
Leslie Manville was brilliant. I recognise a lot of people in her personality that i know from the past & now & a bit of me at points. Her willingness to let stuff go & be to polite & kind to others & then when shes at the show & shes all excited & looking at the dresses thats like me at a Film exhibition or a live event going oh wow, because you never know when you will get the chance to do that again. always be grateful for the moments you get peoples.
I sat there for the majority of the film going who is the fit french accountant, ive seen him in something (& then also wondering how come i have never met an accountant or anyone in finance that good looking {was definitely the hair & glasses by the way very much a death by exile look of him}) & then i got home & letterboxd it & he was the adorably sweet boyfriend in ticket to paradise i saw a few weeks ago. Of course he was. He was cute in that too. He was so sweet too.
I think it summed up traditional fantasy london from the past that everyone always dreams its like now quite well. ITs not like that anymore but still because of tradition its still kinda the same in points, it was romanticised well.
I loved the behind the scenes of dior we got as to how they worked & how if you still even to this day work for a fashion house they own you in every way be it a seamstress or a model, that is you. You are always the brand & its something people need to think about, people are actual people at the end of the day arent they, which is why a couple of revelations during act 3 were needed, all to everyones help & joy at the end of it all.
Now ive been moaning a lot about nice little indi films adding drama for no reason recently, its my current bug bear. & this film did do it, but it had to to prove a point. It was heart-breaking when it happened, but then it proved the good in people & then the reveal… ooooh it was Lush. It really was. I didnt cry but i welled up. It was exactly what needed to happen. Just to prove that sometimes us little guys who do all we can for others get our dream moment.
The fashion show at Dior is stunning. I loved it. I dont do fashion. My idea of fashion is making sure my green top, pink trouser & star wars socks dont clash to much. I can put the effort in every now & then but other than that i dont. But i do appreciate that style & the art work that goes into it (see i do pay attention in the Sewing Bee each year & am not just watching it for other reasons). Some of those dresses were nice & i was making mental notes too.
The strikes & other people she met in Paris were very Random, but then were very helpful & all made scenes in act 3. So well thought out.
There were some lovely shots of Paris too. Ooh i think i gotta go back, i was only 14 when i went, so i think its time to go again.
How many hollywood movies feature greyhound racing… not many… well tick that off your bingo card youve got one at last. I need to do that again soon. I love a night at the dogs.
It was just such a sweet little pleasant happy film which just showed the good & kindness in people & you know what thats what the world 100% needs right now. ITs all crazy & all over the place, & we just need escapism & to remember there are some good nice kind generous people out there. This is the film to boost you in that way peoples.