I hate horror, we’ve established this before, but put Jennifer Lawrence in it with Javier Bardem I’m sold completely sold. It was also on the independent list of the films of the year to watch so…
For a sunny Tuesday it wears really busy in screen 4 yes I know it’s meerkat Tuesday but still for an 18 in a large screen I’d go 60 to 70% full.
Trailers were getting more Oscar nomination potential ones & one for the bff soon which is good. I still want to be on the panel for that.
Both the new Matt Damon films were advertised Down Sizeing (which I’m sold on completely looks brilliant) & suburbicon which I’m less sold on but it’s Matt Damon so you know. There was a trailer about this woman putting up billboards to piss of woody Harleson that looked odd. & then blade runner & the odeon special kingsman trailer.
Film time a psychological horror with strong violence once of the greatest casts ever & which is an 18 a I felt… underwhelmed.
It didn’t scare me One but not once even the three jumpy parts weren’t that argh only one person jumped at one of the main ones.
It wanted to be an art film which then had a big finale but failed to produce that. It got mixed up in itself & just made you think when are we going to get there.
Okay there was one bit with all the people in the house that was full on & there was one piece of cannibalism which was disturbing but other than that it was just weird.
There are some other well know actors who turn up from time to time that will spoil the film if I tell you too much, but they just were there & then gone especially someone who is completely of the moment right now.
I understand it’s not about the real story & how we treat earth but still at only 2 maybe 3 points did I think that about the film while watching it.
Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview that people will get the film & despite it being a Hard watch will in a few hours after watching it. Sorry Jen it was really dismal & I should have gone home to watch the league cup instead. & it defiantly wasn’t worth the horrible drive home as the seafront was shut.