Advanced cinema screening time, but all of like 12 hours before it comes out, its still advanced tho, so lets do this.
This was a film that when i saw the first trailer like back in October i was like oh this looks interesting as good & then as more & more weird trailers have come out ive been like yeah this is probably gonna be absolute crap, so i dont have high hopes for this at all. So anything more than 2 stars here im going to be impressed.
It was pretty packed id say 70% full, no one next to me (one day there will be so i can have a chat with someone about an advanced film im waiting peoples) most people i would say were my age too. However i need to give a a huge shout out to the cleaners of cineworld. So this screening along with all cineworld advance screenings start at the same time which is 7:30 for a 7:45 start. However the screening before which had ended at 7:00 had been sing 2… so as you can imagine was an absolute mess. & they got it all cleaned up & let us in at 7:35…. i mean there was still come popcorn in places, but it was pretty darn clean.
Trailers The Duke (yes), Marry Me (yes), Uncharted (yes) Jackass (maybe) & Dog (maybe) a right mix of films. Also does Batman really drive that car? there were like 4 mini car adverts which insinuated Batman drove it however, i cant remember what the car even was.
& then the film started… & the film as actually better than i expected which was actually a present surprise. The film did exactly what it said on the tin & therefore got it spot on.
It knew when to have some soft serious moments, but it knew its not the most serious film in the world & played on that so much & made it in those moments really fun & cool. I mean the fact the cat is called Fuzz Aldrin was brilliant & that there are Free Bagels at the sci fi meet up. Epic. You know the moon is going to crash into us but you know i want my bagel (actually that wouldnt work for me i dont like Bagels).
It was overall on over the top CGI film where it was how cool we can get the moon to look, how much we can ruin the earth & how much fun we can have with random shiz in space, but it knew that. I mean theres a tidal wave scene at one point where i hope i didnt shout out loud in the screening (but i definitely though) oh dont get out of the car to look fucking drive. If i did say that out loud my bad, but that was what happened.
I like how a much as theres since shit & conspiracy theories etc, its all still told through a normal (if not sci conspiracy theorist) guy who is otherwise completely normal. All the stuff he does on the rocket a normal person would do. You would take pictures of the universe bellow & then go oi my phones on airplane mode.
We are introduced to random villains who only exists for a chase scene at the end of the second act & they only last until about 5minutes into the 3rd act, so that just feels like a waste. At no point was i concerned they were going to win. I mean what happening on the moon is the villain, but we can talk when youve seen it. Also at the start of the third act a huge exposition dump, which lets be honest after 90mins of batshit madness to then dump all this back story on us was a bit like hang on say what. I know we needed something to convince them to save the day but still.
Not enough Michael Pena. & all the Donald you get is exactly what you see in the trailer. What a waste.
The moons gravity or random events caused by the moon always arrives at the exact same time the people on earth or in space need help. Convenient that. Also you know weve got a story on earth & in space to follow, to save the day.
Land marks always get hit or blow up dont they… but not the world trade centre, was glad that still stood.
This film will suffer or strive (depending on you point of view) because of Dont Look Up. If you didnt like Dont Look up or its ending, this is probably ore of the Sci-Fi end of the world film for you. It is. Both can live in the same world, but they are the 2 opposite ends of the sci-fi doomsday spectrum.
So it was average. I was pleasantly surprised that i didnt hate it & though actually yeah there is room for this film in the cinema. Every now & then you need a film like this to remined you how good some film are & how crap others are too. It knew its assignment & it got it spot on. Its worth a watch after a couple of beers on a Friday night with come popcorn find of film.
Its nothing youve not seen before, but you will laugh & smile at it.