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2 films in 3 day oh yes you here correctly people & the note book is filling up fast. But not as fast as my walk from my office to the cinema, god that was a mission, but it was worth the walk. Got into the cinema a whole 1 minute before the proper trailers come on. Happy days.
Trailer wise we had the special Billborads, shape of water one. We then had The Darkest Hour, the Post, the Commuter & something else… what the hell was it. Oh I tonya that was it hadnt actually ever seen the full trailer for that. It looks soo sooo much fun, i know the story as well.
Cinema there was 6 people in screen 8 (fair enough films been out a little while i understand that). Two guy who looked like they should have been in Drake entourage & 3 women of a certain age (sorry mama popcorn) who all went ohh when Idris first appeared on the screen & had a few palpitations & then me that was it.
 Then the film started & it was so so so good like really really really good. Not Buzzer worthy but its my kinda film. There were several reasons why my aunty txt my mama to say has she seen this yet if not go see it.
Idris Elba gave the best performance i have ever seen that man give. Seriously go & watch it for him. His long speech to the FBI when they are breaking a deal is something that will be played in tribute for his memorial when he dies. It was just stunning. I wanted to applaud just that moment.
That being said though Jessica Chastain was still the boss of the entire film & ruled it. A brilliant performance from her. Nomination worthy, just really captivating & cleaver. Really wanted her to get away with it all too.
Kevin Costner was good as her dad for all of the 10mins he was in the film. Wasnt a very likable person but the real person probably wasnt either. Still he was very good i did spend the first 5 mins going is that Kevin Costner though.
Chris Odowd was hilarious as a drunk too that was pretty darn nice surprise to have.
Mixed time line films some time do make people go really were doing this i dont get it where are we. This one used it really well. Letting you know where we were in the court case while going back to show you how we got to here as well. It wasnt fucked about with it was good & smart.
I love the fact that she keeps her secrets & wont tell anyone who anyone is & get away scott free. Thats a brave woman there. Especially when it comes to turning it into a film & shes going nope nope.
I also like the fact that i didnt know the outcome of the story in real life. So when we were getting  near the end i really did want to know what was going to happen to her & if she was going to get away with it or not. Properly gripping that, & then you got your pay off at the end which was the correct outcome.

Its a bit of a shame really, its not going to pick up too many awards this season. It truly is a work of art, & im sure come the end of the year this will remain one of my top films of the year. Its not Golden Buzzer worthy, as i didnt come out of it feeling like i did for showman, but i come out of it going oh yea thats my kinda film. Its not going to be everyone’s cuppa tea but it was mine. If it had been a play i would have given it a standing ovation.

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