Advanced Screening time baby oh yes. Time to go & watch Missing. I am so hyped for this. Considering i didnt know this was going to be a film a few weeks ago, im now like yes yes yes. For those of you who dont know this is a sequel to Searching, one of the most underrated films ever made, so i am really really looking forward to this. That is not an understatement.
Its almost completely full screen 1 of cineworld this fine evening. Even the horrendous traffic hasnt stopped everyone. Were all here & primed & ready to go. It mainly people in there 30s & 40s who had seen the first id say, so i think were in for one hell of a showing.
Trailers the Whale (which i saw the preview of last week) Tar (yes) Scream (no) & then a film i think was called the Broker… (it looked interesting tho).
& then the film started… WOW! Seriously Wow!!!!!
If youve seen the original, you know what to expect from this film, if youve not then please watch the first one. But knowing what happened in the first, i was pretty sure i had worked it out when we met a certain character that they were going to be involved at the end. & then half way through act 2 something happened & not only did i go oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh but so did about half the cinema as it happened. Obviously half of the screening had the same idea as me. & then a reveal happened at the start of act 3 & there were some loud gasp, i mean not from me but my head was going what the actual fuck, why didnt you work that out girl, whats going on with your head that you didnt see that coming. I was angry at myself but then i was like nah its okay you can be caught out every now & then.
I love all the different relationships in this film & how they evolve throughout the movie & how others are added. The use of the screens & social media, is so amazing. I always love how they do it & make it all so slick & makes you think ahhh what trail am i leaving behind on there for people to get into my stuff. I mean i think im pretty easy if you really know me to get into stuff. If you dont then good luck. How its changed our lives is crazy. I mean when the film ended & i automatically turned my phone off airplane mode to check my messages while i had been in the cinema, i was liek this kind of proves a point doesnt it. My bad.
I love how everything in these films is always so linked & twisted, that a little throw away bit may actually be so important later on. I love a film that wants to test me. In the first film there was a hidden story going on in the back ground, which i was looking for but couldnt see. Im sure on the second watching i will see it & be like ahhhhhh oh god there it is.
Good old Siri being so helpful.
The acting was brilliant too. I mean i know its easy to do it when youve got screens taking up half the time of the movie, but still. Youve got to add that sense of urgency & pressure & worry to the story. You have got to get it right & i felt on edge throughout wondering what was going to happen next & twist it. So much suspense & drama.
A few moments of laughter too, in amongst all the drama & stress of it all. Got to have some light & shade.
There was some good life lessons along the way too, for all generations, both parents, adults, kids. everyone can get something out of this too. Some good mirror images & reflections at points to highlight certain things & opinions & feelings going on.
& the whole Netflix turned the first film into a documentary… of course they bloody would.
You dont get this until April i believe & i feel so sorry for you all that you dont get this sooner. I really am so sorry. Please go hunt for this when it does, because i left the cinema on an adrenalin rush & a high that ive not felt in a while. Easily the best film ive seen so far this year, & is our first contender for film of the year for sure. Phenomenal. Im not saying anymore, you all need to go watch Searching first & then see Missing when it comes out… PLEASE!!!??
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