i dont have tiktok so i have no idea when the gentelminions trend is. Luckily my cineworld have said they are having a gentleminions showing on thursday & friday this week so hopefully i can avoid it. I hope this is good, its on my hit list & its been delayed for quite a while.
Its pretty full in here. Lots of groups of 20 to 25 year olds (all the original little kids who saw this when they were small) a few familys where parents have some with there teens & a couple of batches of millennials like me.
Trailers… railway children (maybe dont think much else is out that week), Super Pets (probably rocky), Lyle the crocodile (looked odd maybe) Thor (yes) & puss in boots (that still a thing whos gonna watch that)
& then the film started… & it was fun & pretty chill & much better than the original film. I mean its not the first Despicable film oh no thats still the best (ITS SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So theres one bit where the McGuffin is swapped for a pet rock with Goggley eyes on it. & i laughed. I laughed for longer than i should have & then realised i was the only person in my screening still laughing. Who would have thought at the start of 2022, that Rocks with Goggley eyes would be important to two films this year. & then she bloody turns up as a voice over later on in the film. I mean i know this film was made for 2020 release & that came after but seriously. I think that probably why ive rated this highly just for those moments. If you get this reference & had it on your bingo card please let me know.
Minions is improved by having Gru back. The first one as much it was an origin was just a bit like okay so when are we gonna get to that point. Gru is such a cool heroic villain (were not talking loki levels btw) but hes bloody cool even as a kid.
Im glad Julie Andrews & Russell Brand came back too, i was very happy with that. Especially as i didnt know about Russell before going in & then he turned up & i was just like get the fuck in.
Some of the villains names… Jean Claude Van Damme saying like about 4 lines but his character being called Jean Clawed. That is bloody brilliant. Give that person a raise.
The story was pretty predictable, it really was. You could see exactly where it was going & just flew by. All of the good minion solo bits other than the kungfu section was in the trailer so none of that actually felt very fresh if you get me . Still fun but we had seen most of it already. I guess thats also a problem when you film is so delayed due to a pandemic.
I likes the swimming pool full of alligators that was fun.
I know get what the gentleminions means with the finale. I mean ive still not see the tiktok of it all but i now get it.
The retro music was a high too. All the 70s disco was like yea mate im up for this. That is so cool, proper tow tapping stuff.
I think my own inner jokes have made me think the film is better than it actually is. I mean it is rare when the sequel of the prequel is the better film which this really is. IT was fun & everyone who was the target audience of my screening had a blast. Once again this isnt for kids, this is for Gen Z.
Predictable fun which had me laughing in a aircon cinema for 85 mins, i aint complaining.