another bank holiday weekend woohoo. So lets start it like i have the last 2 with a film straight after work, yep lets pop into Cineworld & go & see Men. A film which so far the letterboxd reviews have all just been MEN!>… Tell me about it… hehe so yea im ready to get very disturbed by this. I am glad ive got the Sewing Bee to come home to, to calm me down.
Where was the brighton traffic for the start of the bank holiday. There wasnt any. Even the lights by my work had gone… the hell. I mean yaya meant i got to the marina before 5:45 but when your film starts at 6:20 thats a lot of time to kill & thats even before adverts & trailers.
Id say most people were in there 30s in the cinema to see this. A few younger & one couple in their 50s but other than that there wasnt much variation. I also made sure to sit myself truly out of the way as i do for all horror films so i dont have a huge freak out in the middle of the screening.
Trailers, Elvis (yes) the black phone (im growing towards it) Thor (absofuckinglutly) & Nope (yes 1000% yes). Proper mixed bag there, no Dominion i was expecting that, but no. Also really weird not to see a trailer for Top Gun.
& then the film started… & for 91min of the 100min film it worked & was amazing & i wish i could say the next 9mins were that good too.
Rory & Jessie were brilliant. Considering it was basically a 2 hander (only 2 other people in the film really at points) they had a lot of interaction despite not having that much interaction. They both nailed there parts (parts especially for Rory) & you didnt know how to feel about the characters as they constantly evolved & were so interesting & intertwined.
The flash backs were good too & very appropriate & not just done in one go, they were spread across the first hour of the film & it added to the story & the more you saw bits the more you understood, especially with something just before the 90min mark, someone in my screening actually went oh i get it, in the row behind me. Well done person, im guessing they dont normally get that.
There was some lush cinematography. Theres one shoot where the water from the rain is slowly dripping into the tunnel which is bleak & its all green around it & i was looking at that puddle very intently & was like yea this is the kind of photo i take when i got for a walk, this is lush. There were a lot more horizon shoot or of meadows too. It did make me think about where i live & what lush views i have here & how magical they are & how i should never take my photo dumps of my walks for granted. They were amazing & so aphetically pleasing.
So theres a girl code, you all know it right. If you dont, its after you part ways & go home, you msg the group chat (or in the old day ring the phone 3 times) to let who youve been out with know youve got back safe. This film is the epitome & extreme as to why this code is needed. Okay we dont need the symbolism of the church to prove that point, but this is the reason why if i leave my friends even when i used to live 3mins away, i would msg them & go im home now. Its bad that we have to still have this code in 2022, but it does still work. I mean i did it the other week & when i got home from the cinema after seeing this film, i txt my family group chat & said im home im safe & they were all like say what…..
Im amazed she had signal for most of her time in the country side, but nah it glitched right at the important times.
Justice for that crow.
I’ve never told a vicar to fuck off before… i loved that… & then she did later on multiple times.
So the last 9mins of the film oh god. I mean i get the symbolism & the way its meant to look & the memories its meant to repress & the letting go & leaving to die is a huge thing you can do with your pain. However the first one we all kind of sat there in the cinema & went oh god (one person did laugh & we all looked at them like say what really? dont laugh here) & i got that. But then when it did it again i was like oh okay & then i lost count but i think it did it 4 times & by the 4th i was like i am done with this now stop we dont need to see this again please no no no thats too much. & the film just dropped in my estimation. I was all willing to sit here & give it a 4.5 as the dialogue wasnt the best before that, but that just was like nah i cant be dealing with this. Stop it. If you have seen it, let me know & we can chat.
The bit before that that was mentally disturbing was fine by the way, that bit in the bathroom was scary but superbly acted & styled & i loved it & how horrific it was. It wasnt comfortable viewing but im glad they did that.
& then i thought all of it or at least the last 20mins of the film might have been in her head, but nah it bloody happened? How do you explain that to anyone… seriously. If it had all just been in her head yea that makes sense. But no. It lost its way. I mean not as bad as assassins creed but still.
guessing they wont be worried about the mud being walked through the house.
how big was that front door key?
Also what is it with people saying oh no i dont play or do that at the moment in a film & then about 20mins later doing that exactly. Stop that Hollywood please.
So A24 were on track for another really clever freaky horror film with 2 really amazing actors & having styled so well yet be so freaky & weird & then that last 10mintues just pushed it over the edge into the nah stop now please. Thank god it did. IF you watch this film stop after the car bit, or keep going & then go ooooh nooooooooo.