I’m breaking my rule of not reading the book before watching the film. Sorry peoples but I really want to watch this I promise I will read it.
Walking has improved FYI but by the time I got home OMG I needed sweetcorn to wrap around my ankle.
So I’d say it was nearly full in screen 2 which is pretty good for a film that’s already been out a couple of weeks. Mainly full of old people (which kinda threw me) or groups of teenage girls (which didn’t).
Trailers the girl on the train looks really weird but I’m very intrigued by it. Bridget Jones of course looks hysterical & epic like it should. However the absolutely fabulous trailer looks amazing. I hadn’t been interested before but the fact they kill Kate Moss & then go on the run (it’s not a spoiler it’s in the fucking trailer) is brilliant.
I then realised that I didn’t have any tissues thank god I had a napkin from Costa’s.
So Film was really good & heart warming & funny & sad. A keeper chick flick.
When Matthew Lewis appeared on the screen the group in don’t of me when oh it’s Neville. Which I thought was so sweet. He was really good really really good & did provide some of the funnest & awkward moments of the film.
Emilia Clarke was good & her reactions were great but Sam Claflin was everything i wanted him to be & I really did go on the journey of life with him. He’s going to go far people he really is what an actor.
I don’t do too many girly films or romances thrillers & action is me but I really enjoyed this & did cry quiet a bit. I really wish I had read the book first as not I’m always going to see the people as the actors.