Can i find the film X anywhere to watch at all… Nope. Have i been trying for the last 6 weeks to find it…yes. I have now watched Pearl though so a quick cheats guide means i am at the cinema at 5:40 on a monday to watch this. Its a bloody miracle ive got here at this time, every traffic light was in my favour.
Id say there were about 20 people in the screening with me which is good. Mainly millennials, a couple of group of teens but that was it.
Trailers, the James MacAvoy horror film which looks so good, alien (nah) long legs (yes) Hallie Berry & her rope & Trap. Glad they were all horror films im glad of that.
& then the film started… yea i needed to have watched X didnt i…
Did we need god thrown down our throat so much? It was a bit to Christian for a film which was so not godly. It started to get on my nerves a bit. Please movies stop making all your horror films about God when its not set in a bloody church urgh.
The whole 80s vibe worked, & that soundtrack, oh it was vibeing. Felt very GTA vibes at points. The hair & the way people reacted & the video store it was just so 80s it was crazy. I think i would have got a few more references if i had seen X.
There was an actual plot & decent story at points for a slasher horror movie, which doesnt happen that often so i was very impressed by that. Yes it does lose its place at point & the pacing is a bit weird but it actually was alright. It seemed like the making of the film was just a distraction from the main story & just Hollywood giving itself a pat on the back for making horror movie franchises & psycho.
Mia was good but out of all of the random actors who popped up throughout the film to be in an X film, Kevin Bacon was the best. He was psycho & i loved it. Hes not often that so seeing him be so sleazy was actually nice to see he can do that role well. There were a few to many people at one point, so much so that when Ginacarlo popped up near the end i had completely forgotten about him being in it. There gets a point where adding names to your film to get people to come see it gets a bit too much. Films love doing this at the moment.
I have a lot of questions about this film, & i think that is probably because ive not seen X. Pearl was incredible but for that to be set in the early 1910s & this to be set in the 80s is a bit odd. I need to find X & im sure i will have a lot of answers to it.
Based on the way it was advertised i was expecting a lot more sex scenes in the film, especially considering the X origins. But there wasnt. Im not complaining, im not sure it needed it. But once again this is another film where being a woman & being taken advantage of seems the norm, & this is making me more angry that the constant god stuff at the moment. Lets us have a say, dont just assume we are easy victims for you to exploit. Theres a reason i call people when i walk home late at night, because of films like this.
& what horror film wouldnt be complete without a few dodgy deaths & a cult… happy days.
It knew how grim it needed to be & it was a decent story, but the majority of the faults i have with this i hope are resolved when i watch the first film of the series. Now someone put it on streaming cos i cant find it on DVD.