I could have seen this as an advanced screening back in December, but it was either see this or no presents to wrap. So i didnt go to this. Everyone loved their christmas gifts by the way. So here i am on a monday night ready to watch Ange & wonder if she is worth the awards buzz or not.
My screening id say had about 30 people in. I get this isnt going to be for everyone i do but i was hoping for half full, maybe they are all waiting for their half price tuesday & wednesday films instead. I was lowering the average age though, id say the next youngest person in my 7:40 screening was 50.
Trailers, Presence (im leaning towards seeing this) A Complete unknown (obviously) The Last Show girl (yes) The Fig film (probably) & Here (which ive just learnt my Cineworld or local cinema arent showing booooo looks like im off to crawley then).
& then the film started… turns out im not an opera girl.
Angelina was very good. Will she get oscar nominated, im not sure (spoiler she doesnt) But her desperation & the way she looked like she was singing. I mean i know its the actual real voice used for the film, but the way her neck & mouth stretched & how she held herself, it was glorious.
However there was one problem with almost 90% of the people in this film (including her) & if youve been here long enough you know what im going to say…
Seriously everyone except her staff & maybe the guy on the Piano were all just so entitled, i get opera is all about being fit & proper & all that Jazz but even the people around her in the flash back were like that. Oh finally a good use of random black & white moments being the flash backs, i liked them. I also liked how they told the story of her past too, not always in the correct order, but as she remembered it. It was a clever device. Ive moaned a bit about flash backs recently so im glad a film did it well.
So yea i wanted to hit a lot of people in this film for being wankers (but never her Butler he was sweet & Well acted).
I did learn a lot. As i said before i wasnt an opera girl before this or after it, so i didnt know much other than she was young ish when she died. So im glad i know how well she was loved. I did recognise a bit of the music too that you just hear in general. Also because i dont know about the real subject matter i cant tell you if this is a fair depiction or not.
Could i remember Kodi’s bloody name… nope. It bugged me for the whole movie. That part of the film was very clever & how it was introduced. So much so someone 4 rows in front at one point went ahhhhhh when they worked it out. Also they break the forth wall kind of at one point i liked that. But i knew the girl from hotshots straight away i was like yes i know you. HeHe shes aged well.
Without spoiling it the last part of act 3 was rather glorious, i liked that. It was very poetic.
Some of the costumes she performed in were stunning, seriously beautiful. Like you just wanted to run your hands over them all. & i dont do fashion or stuff like that, so thats saying a lot.
Yea this film wasnt for me im afraid to say. IT was created so Ange could get her oscar & show off, but it one of those this is made for award season films, that unless you love it or are a fan of the subject matter you will never watch it again. Its not won me over film wise as anything more than average with a good lead, or won me over to go to the opera.