Its been a while (i say that its been 11 days) since ive been to the cinema. I know oh god, but life was busy for lots of reasons & all the advanced previews came out so its time to go to cineworld & watch Marching Powder. Im hoping this film knows how crap it is & that it plays up to it.
My cinema was all but sold out for its 6:20 friday night showing which is very good. I actually thought i was lowering the average age. Most people were mid 40s for sure. Mainly blokes as well. However it had the full 25mins of adverts & trailers & people were walking in a good 15mins later & not just like an odd two like i counted 4 times. The couple next to me i had to ask to put their phone away when they were still checking it after arriving 10mins late.
Trailers, Blackbag (yes), Last Breath (i missed the preview so maybe), Novocaine(probably) & i cant remember the other one maybe the Jason Statham film.
& then the film started… yea this film didnt think it was crap which was a shame.
It took itself far too seriously. Like it tried to get some serious messages across but then just didnt fully deliver on the stories it promised & yes people started to learn lessons but not enough of them kept it going. It just felt like false promises & never went anywhere at all.
There were a couple of crazy moment, but for its rating, it should have gone completely bstshit for sure. It ironically didnt have the balls to go as far as it should have done. Yes there were bits that were shocking but still, it could have really gone for it but no. It held back a lots. Even with the football violence & the drugs it should have gone harder for sure.
Big up lower & non league football. Got to love a shout out to those guys. As someone whos been to those types of games (& stayed out of trouble id like to add) I know it really can kick off, if things go a certain way, but they were just fighting for the sake of it.
There were actually a few scenes about men talking mental health which was important for this type of film. This is aimed at a certain type & age of man who probably dont want to talk feelings & are all hard & full on & men should be men, but it might have inspired a few others to seek help. Well we can be hopeful. However it was then often dismissed much like the men who should talk about it.
We dont use the C word here, we say Wednesday… & i had no idea you could get Wednesday that many times into a film. It was more than the drugs, which is saying an awful lot.
Danny was alright, if youve ever seen anything hes in you know exactly what your getting. The fourth wall breaks were interesting but nothing much more than that. It was like pound land Ewan MacGregor in train spotting. Also how many times did he have to walk down a road talking to no one at all.
The cafe bit that was funny but summed up the whole attitude of the film.
The animation at the start was very clever & funny but was never actually used again, i thought it might pop up to explain some stuff but no.
I get the art school, but it was literally used as filler, we all knew what was going to happen with that section of the film.
I didnt laugh that much, maybe 3 times, most of it when the politicians turned up & he was high. There were some laughs in the rest of the screening, but i was hoping to be carried away & laugh more as others were laughing but no that didnt happen which was a shame.
This film should have stayed in its lane & gone back to the early 00s late 90s for the film, but no it didnt. It faltered. It wasnt full on enough to be shocking, or funny enough to be a comedy & wasnt serious enough for the messages it tried to hand out. This will be someones cuppa tea, but its not mine.