My my time for a cinema trip. Really hope this is good. Apparently Cher steels the show so I’m looking forward to this.
For a monday the cinema was pretty packed actually im going half full not bad. A group did turn up 15minutes into the film & spent ages taking there stuff off & sorting out there area which wasnt helpful.
Trailers we had the spy who dumped me, johnny english, some theatre one for a composer on sky arts & then bohemian rhapsody which looked so fucking epic. The trailer went on for ages & it just looks so perfect ( cant get my head around the guy from midsummer murders being Brian May tho).
& then the film started… oh man
Well the good run of films had to end at some point didnt it. & it was Mamma Mia that did it. I’ve given it a good mark for a couple of reasons but it only just scrapes into it because of these. So lets address the good first shall we.
Cher does steel the show entirely. It worth just going to see her, im not saying pay money to see her, but she is the best bit of the film. Shes over the top & the contrived way of singing fernando is just fabulous. She makes the film.
Lilly James is good as the younger Donna, she better at singing than meryl too.
But the real star of the show, who shouldn’t be but is, is one Hugh Skinner or as i will always refer to him as Will from W1A. I really dont care that hes type cast & is a idiot but lovable puppy all the time, hes perfect at that role & should always be that. He as a young Collin Firth is brilliant, it needed more Will.
All the younger casting was spot on actually, could choices people. & also including Bjorn & Benny in it too.
Best bit of the film is when Colin Firth & Stallan Skarsgard (i always misspell that so ive done well there) are both on a boat & they are being leo & kate in titanic. Thats hilarious.
& thats where positives End. I did cry once but it was more because of something else that was going on in my life & my emotional state that made me cry, if i watched the film again i dont think id cry again.
Andy Garcia & Julie Walters are both completely wasted in this film entirely. They are much better than this.
Brosnan sings again ear plugs at the ready.
Dominic Cooper looked like he didnt want to be there at all.
It all looked to disjointed & bad & not well put together like it was rushed.
oh & if you want to see lots of Streep, dont go.
At the end of the day it is enjoyable, but was it needed after a 10 year wait (going back to that incredibles question)… No it wasnt i didnt need this its just to much copy & paste for my liking there needed to be more drama to it especially when the trailer gives everything in the third act away.
Its 2 hours of my life i wont get back but at least i didnt have to pay. I will watch it on sky movies but id rather watch the first, & if im honest the first isnt as good as the actual stage show. So go see that instead people. Thats what you should be seeing.