Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, i took my girlfriends to see the first 2 of these films. When we saw the second none of us had kids. Now two of them do & they need a mums night out, so we are going to indulge in some hot dancing & a lot of very sweaty bodys & go & see the final Magic Mike film yayayayya.
We went to the Dome, my other local cinema (the one Harry Styles sat in with the horrible chairs) & id say it was about 40% full on a wednesday night, everyone aged 25 to about 55. Mainly women, a few boyfriends that had been dragged along but year mainly women.
Trailers, Ant man (which i completely forgot about im so sorry Ant man) Cocaine Bear (yes) Scream (nope) & something else maybe a rom com, i cant remember.
& then the film started… you dont go see Magic Mike for the plot do you no no no… oh no you dont
Now i mention it on my twitter page but not here (& i cant believe im gonna type this) but i sometimes write not just film reviews or try to write a book. I accidently ended up writing some stuff that started off innocent & now has turned into well yeaaaaaaaaa. & lets just say that some of that stuff wouldnt have felt out of place in this film. I was watching some of it going well thats a good idea, im using that.
That all being said that opening Dance between Channing & Selma ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh my. FUCK A DUCK. Like i went on for a long long time, but fuck it was sexy. My friend who i took to see it when it was over had to pick her jaw up from the floor. & then the last dance as well in the rain (its in the trailer its not spoiling it for you all) oh my. I was watching that getting very warm indeed. Damn it. Yea that was a very nice way to spend my evening. Just Insane.
We didnt just get Channing in the rain once, we got it twice… we were spoilt.
I love that the 4 original guys from the first film did make a cameo appearance, that was nice. Im glad they were still included, even if it was through zoom. They needed a shout out, magic mike isnt the same with out them (even tho Kevin Nash is falling apart & no one wants to see him dance).
The narration was a bit random at times, it took half way through act 2 to understand what it was & where it was coming from. I mean when i understood i was like ahhh okay i get you now, but up to that point it felt odd. Also it wasnt consistent either.
They almost got all the sights of london in the movie, which was good. The bus scene, i loved that. I would die if that happened to me. Like oh my. She was a very happy woman indeed.
The auditions, wow, they were so good. I loved it was all sorts of different peoples & styles & flirting & dancing. It was good. I bet they all did genuinely have a good afternoon filming that with all the dancers & extras. Looked like a lot of fun & one of the most organic parts of the movie. Nothing felt fake.
We needed more than just Pony at the end of act 3. Even if it had been remixed at one point with something else. I mean its a nice way for it to end, but considering when that song comes on you automatically think Damn & this series gave it new life, a bit more would have been nice. Im not moaning at the other dancing. All of Act 3 was full of amazing dances & was very sensual & sexy & enjoyable, but a bit more Pony would have been very nice.
There were some upperty people in it which i wasnt expecting. I mean the normal people were fab but the uppertys can fuck off. Your a Magic Mike movie get out of this film, why are you here. The butler he was fun.
So when it was over i turned to my friend & said well.. it took her a good few minutes to reply & then she said she hasnt felt like that in a little while. I think my work here is done.
Yea you dont go watch Magic Mike for the acting, story or cinematography. You go watch it for the half naked men dancing for you. I still prefer a man in a suit, but ooooohhhhh my that was a rather delightful delicious evening & yea… Feral doesnt cover it.