Alright alright alright alright
Just got back from the cinema
Oh my God
Just wow
Me & my friend (who hadn’t seen the first film) took our other friend who’s just had a baby to see this to take her mind off things & allow her to relax. Safe to say after the 2 hours film she was more than happy.
My other friend who hadn’t seen the first one was a bit in shock but still enjoyed the movie, she giggled her way through it.
Me I loved every second of it & I’m not ashamed to say that. It did everything it said on the tin XXL.
Stand out performances from Jada Pinket Smith & Matt Bomer. Mr Tatum was on form too.
Girls & guys I guess, go see it you will leave the cinema smiling trust me. That’s if you can find a cinema that is still showing it in your county. Only one is here & we are apart of 2 countys.
If not wait for the DVD & go uhha huni