Straight from work to the cinema time, happy days, heres hoping the traffic is in my favour for me to get there in time for 6pm. 6pm horrors work better for me they really do. Less nightmares, less disturbed sleep. I say that, i am now watching the last of us so you know thats nightmares of clickers before bed (thank god for softie). So yea lets go see M3GAN.
Theres about 20 people in screen 2 which isnt bad for a wednesday night at 6pm. Id say everyone’s in there 30s here, so yea we are the target audience.
Trailers, the new scream one(nope) the unwelcome or uninvited (im not sure what its called but no) & The Whale (yes im booking that when i get home as an advanced preview).
& then the film started… & honestly as much as its a good clever film, i felt slightly disappointed in it. I wanted to be scared a lot more than i was.
I think i jumped twice, in the entire film. & i dont do horror movies. If youve been here long enough you know its not my jam at all. I sit to the side & hide under my scarf & half watch them, but this. Yeah it was advertised as much more jumpy but it wasnt. Which is what i prefer. A psychological horror is much better for me ( i know i am that weird person) but if im being shown im getting jump scares, i want bloody jump scares.
I mean this isnt saying that some of the stuff that happens in this film isnt grim oh god no. Its properly horrific at times, from emotional manipulation, to actual deaths & torture. Its not nice at all. Its a hard sit through at times, especially with one of the kids, but still. It displays it well, but it is full on at times.
Im never trusting the woman from get out ever again for anything. Like no way love. First Chris & now this. I mean i get that she was put in weird circumstances, but thats not how you deal with that much of a major thing in your life & someone else’s. I know it teaches us grief can be dealt with in different ways but still. Yea at least she never was asked for bloody keys, id have been triggered then.
The singing, was i meant to laugh? because i did. So did a few other people. I mean i dont think that was the point. I think it was meant to show they were indestructible, but oh god it was hilarious.
We got through a lot of exposition & science & AI stuff in this film. I mean it helped but at points it was like, how much of this do i need to remember for the end of Act 3 when we all know shits really going to go down. Turns out most of Act 1s, Act 2 wasnt as important to it all only one bit of it. But there was a lot of talk to explain stuff. & some of it was just used to delay the next scene at points.
The little girl in the movie (not M3gan) was good. Considering what emotions she had to do & portray, she did a bloody good job at it. It was interesting to see how her habits changed as the film evolved too.
Im glad some people got there comeuppances, however there was some where you knew stuff was up but it wasnt really explained until right before shit went down. It could have alluded more to that, to have made that feel even sweeter.
So theres a point in the film where they are talking about toys & the woman has collectables on her shelf & she unboxes one & trys to explain it to the therapist. My heart bloody felt that. As someone who builds lego & has pops for display, that hurt as she undid that box & then watched someone just go well its a ball. NO ITS NOT WOMAN! Yea that was such a millennial hang up & i heard someone else gasp in my screening too.
The end was weird due to people turning up randomly. But it does set up a part 2 well.
IT was good, but its much more psychological than jumpy horror peoples. Its well worth a watch & im sure a lot of you will enjoy it. If they are going to make more of these, i am actually looking forward to where they go & how they deal with the fall out after this one.