Time for a Rom Com although based on the last female lead comedys i have seen they have failed to hit the marks so lets see if this can buck the trend, i am hoping this one does. Cue Long Shot.
Thursdays is always a good day for films for me. Traffic on the way home at 5pm is just the worst on a Thursday always takes over an hour. So i always love a Thursday film its gets you ready for the friday slow down mode. Hehe. Dont tell my manager i said that.
Screen 7 had about 40 people in there which was alright, mixed bag of ages & types too. That being said. I sat down & had been there a while & an olf lady came in & came to where i was sitting so i got up to let her past & she went oh no its okay dear you dont have to move we will sit here. Her her husband & another couple came & sat right next to me. What the hell?! The cinema still had plenty of seats for them to sit in & they come & sit bang next to me… nah I said i could move up one so they could have both arm rest & they were all like no stay there love. So i couldnt fucking move could i that would look rude, i dont want entitled millennial coming back at me. They didnt even laugh chuckle or snigger at the film none of them. & then they took forever to leave, i couldnt just barge through them could i. I did open the door for them on the way out tho, had no thankyou. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Oh well
Trailers we had The Hustle (which i will see on Monday) Pika (tomorrow) The sun is a star (will probably see that) Aladdin (yep) & Rocketman (omg its soooooo soon now bring it on). All in all good set of trailers are looking forward to some new ones soon tho for some other stuff.
& then the film started… & this female lead comedy actually worked & was funny. & it was a woman in power too, which is really refreshing & it wasnt entirely male driven too in the writing. It was refreshing & hilarious.
Charlize Theron (who i’ve found out is mama popcorns girl crush omg) & Seth Rogen bounce off each other & have a grate camaraderie, there were moments of chemistry, mainly when you really did have to believe it. It is more like its too best friends having the most amazing time making a film, who had to make you feel like they could maybe be more than friends. It was very good & made the film even more enjoyable.
There were some full on cringe omg moments which you go oh good really would that happen that so bad. But those moment also made you properly belly laugh except for the 4 people next to me obviously. If i had coffee i probably would have spat it out at some point.
Its not just a laugh fest there is real love & human relationships in this film that we all experience at some point. Some are over the top (we will get to that) but they were honest. Some of the way the media is represented too, from the bottom to the top is on point as well. But you also need to look out for bits as there is some brilliant foreshadowing & hiding in plain sight (not like my theory no).
Okay lets talk about the president portrayed by Bob Odenkirk. That was stunning i mean wow. That is the standout performance of the film. As much as everyone else is really good, including Andy Serkis as Murdoch character, Bob nails it. & considering what is actually happening the the US president & in Ukraine right now omg. Brave decision but really paid dividends.
Also Skarsgard as prime minister hahahahahaha. Oh & Boys II Men WOW thats not a spoilers its kinda in the trailer & happens in the first 15 mins.
I like the way it also puts stuff into perspective as well that they are all wanting to kill each other & fuck each other over to ruin peoples lives & one little thing happens & it puts what they are about to do or what they have said into perspective & makes them realise there is a bigger picture.
A proper lose yourself comedy which will make you laugh for a long time watching it & make you think about it for the next few days afterwards( if you dont have another film to go & see). Theres enough flirting & romance to make it a rom com.
At the end of the day it made me feel happy & made me smile & feel better about myself for all of about 15 minutes & a film that does that is very good in my books.