So what i said yesterday about Cats being my last cinema trip of the year & decade… yea i couldn’t end a year like that, its not fair on it if im honest. So im back at my Odeon ready to watch Little Women after doing a bit of sale shopping. I say a bit i hardly purchased anything, this years Christmas sales havent been very good.
I would say that the cinema was half full. Im never entirely sure how many people actually do fit into screen 6 but i am one of the youngest people here, which is saying alot, im in my 30s now after all. I didnt see anyone younger than late 20s in there at all.
Trailers… We had Jojo which is the last time im going to see a trailer for it in the cinema 🙁 very sad times. We also had 1917, No Time To Die, Bombshell & Military Wives. proper mixed bag all of that but im guessing that is probably what people of a certain age want to see in the cinema then.
& then the film started… & it was a really interesting take on the old faithful story, done with heart & passion.
I am going to moan first though. Apologies but i do need to moan. So the point is they are all strong independent women who all want certain thing & a certain way of their life to do things, & by the end of it all of them actually end up with the thing they didnt really want or are hypocritical or arent happy with what they have always wanted so then chuck it in. Thats not a very strong message, that they spend so long going for a & end up with z. Sorry film & book but that’s your big flaw. They became the stereotypes they all wanted to avoid.
You huge kudos is Florence Pugh though, once again proving that she is the future of cinema & is just the best thing to come out of 2019. What a performance. Maybe dont put so many flowers in her hair at certain points, flashbacks to midsommar were going through my mind. But shes just the bees knees.
Im sure Saoirse Ronan is peoples cuppa tea, but for the last few films i have seen her in, im not buying it sorry. She id good at acting but she always over acts & then half way through when she runs out of steam becomes okay because shes ran out of energy & then over acts again later on. If that is how shes told to do it fair enough but if thats how shes choosing to act, its not a style i would go for.
I like the way its told with the flashbacks, but its not just one persons flash back its all of them, despite it being mainly Jos story. I like that. It properly shows how everyone’s relationships & trust changed throughout.
I did sometimes sit there & feel oh this is being forced upon us a little, like a linger on something for a little bit too long that even people who dont look out for important bits would go oh okay so thats needed later on. No we need rewarding for this people, dont make the linger to obvious & forced.
Some bits were over acted if im honest, i know that maybe due to the time period it was set it & the style of it, but there were points where i was going turn it down a little please peoples.
I didnt cry. I welled up & got a little emotional, but no actual tears here, which i was expecting them to arrive.
I did enjoy this film & its good film. It will be up for some awards during awards season, however will it win any, probably not. Theres so much this season to be accounted for. Im sure it will be mentioned though as there will be an outpour to say Gretas not been nominated for directing.