Whos up for back to back double bubble cinema… i am me me so lets do the first offer shall we right here right now. Let go for a nice walk along the beach & then head to see Late Night.
This has been praised a lot by critics for its brutal honesty & comedic timing, so im hoping for a lot here i really am. & this is supposed to be the bad film out of the two that im seeing today.
Screen 8 had about 30 people in it & i think i lowered the average age, not by much but i was the youngest person in the screening. Everyone i would say was mid to late 40s.
Trailers we had Toy Story which we currently get before every film at the moment (its what Odeon are putting their eggs in the basket of at the moment even the moon man has gone for woody & buzz). We also had Men in Black, Spider-man & Once upon a time in Hollywood which was actually the first time i have seen that trailer in the cinema so that was interesting to gauge a reaction from everyone, no one really cared which was a shame.
& then the film started…. & it was brutally honest & went for it & wasnt afraid to tell the truth & tell you just how bad a person we can all be at times, & to stop being so judgemental about everyone.
Emma Thompson was just stunning as the talk show host the film is set around the rise & fall of. She is just so mean & self centred & has some of the best one liners in the film, but also is the victim throughout manipulating you as to how you feel about her character. Do you want her to succeed or fail or fall apart on air? Its proper balance between all of it. She also proves that she just isnt a celebrity & has a purpose & vulnerability & its just a stunning performance, & so far is one of the best ones i have seen this year. So Charismatic & just on point.
If Emma is your shade, Mindy is your light & optimism that life maybe a roller-coaster but youve just got to ride it. He joy & continued support to all & happiness (even when sad) carries through. Therefore with you light & shade mixing to make the grey we all live through everyday, the film has a perfect balance.
Everyone else in the film is just amazing too, even people with liek 4 lines or just being around, are just brilliant. Even though its mainly about 6 characters really everyone else adds to it & its noticed trust me.
There were some bits that were properly laugh out loud. There was one joke i got that the rest of the cinema didnt & i realised about 3 seconds into my falling apart that i was the only one laughing. Obviously a millennial joke no one else got. Some of the stand up & opening monologues were just brilliant.
Doing a film about late night TV chat shows was very of the moment & the set up & way it was all done we all know we are all experts on this in the modern world & it was nice to look at it through someones elses eyes. Some of the topics they discussed on the show too were good.
This is where it does get dark as well as some of the reasons for the light came from very dark places, but the film had the balls to go for it & go no we are doing this, as it needs to be addressed in cinema & Hollywood, especially went it went for some of their own & the culture of it all. It it should be commended for that.
& thats all i really want to say about the film. I want you to go on your own light & shade experience of this film & love it as much as i did.
It was cleaver, smart, funny & self sufficient & it was a modern film about a woman in power who was independent & had her own issues which actually did relate to the current climate of the world, unlike most of the other films about women in power that i have seen recently.
Thank you ladies for standing out & having an amazing film which make the rest just look piss poor.
Film 2 the better film… you have a lot to live up to now.