& then there was one… one film of our nine left. The final best picture nominee for this years oscars… it’s going to be completed today 26th February 2018 yes yes yes at last. It’s time to leave work & go to watch Lady Bi
Bit off though that there’s no real fan fair for completing the list really. Very sad about that no award no trumpets to congratulations nope just the pride. I think I deserve something for doing it don’t you.Anyhow Cinema was about 30% full hard to gauge really screen 7 as it’s just in one block & it’s quite long. There was a big group of teenagers who turned up tried to sit in the premier seats & then the woman from the floor upstairs came down from Odeon & asked to check there tickets & they all had to move. That was funny.Trailers we had were erm… I can’t remember that’s not good really is it. I stopped to I wanted to know what the next batch was, oh god it will come to me. Oh isle of dogs yep that was one erm… there was one I hadn’t seen ever before oh god…argh there was 3 others as well boooo. Oh fuck it. I give up.& then the film started. Yay this is it this is the last but not least film of the 9 yayaya… oh hmmm. Yea it didn’t work people I’m sorry.First of all I should have properly connected as it was about a girl in high school in the 00s & how her life changes & the world changes around her & rebelling & Just growing up. That was me in the 00s & okay yes films do push things a bit but I couldn’t relate to her teenage life from when that was me at the exact same time. Okay maybe I’m from Lancing England not Sacramento California but it’s still a similar story. No connection to her or any of her friends or anyone. It was just a hard brick wall going nah.Lucas Hedges was was in the film but not as good as he was in billboards or by the sea last year. It is a shame that it’s only him & Timothée that can play teenage boys now. No one else can.The film was too miserable & not enough randomness for a teenage life. & her mother should have grown a moral high-ground at least & been just okay yea let’s talk. It was just too much talking over & not enough love.
& when it finished it was a relief but you kinda did actually want to know if everything was ok in the end. It was lack luster too samey & far too safe & is without doubt the worst of the 9 Oscar nominated best picture films. The only reason this is getting any hype at all is because it’s a female director.If you want to see a coming of age story go & watch call me by your name instead. You won’t be disappointed.