£3 at the dome & taking the parents to it too (we made Dad watch the First last week knowing he would love it). Mama Popcorn even manages to convince him we should go out for dinner too, happy days.
Its full its full on full like theres even people upstairs in on the balcony & i have to sit in the correct seat number, its that full.
Usually on a monday the Dome shows a couple of adverts then the trailers & then the film starts after 15 mins… nope 30 minutes of adverts & trailers. I mean im very happy to have Loki sit there & yell surprised but you know knowing this film is over 2 hours long my bum will be going dead.
There was a group next to me who mama popcorn said i should try & chat up, turns out they were complete idiots didnt know a fucking film & knew nothing about films. There was one point where i just stopped eves dropping on there conversation as i may have actually punched one of them for there remarks.
So at 8:45 yeah i know bloody late the film did finally start. Oh it was worth the wait. It was funny sweet scary & provoking & was just what you wanted it to be. & it wasnt just a sequal for the sake of it.
Mark Strong stole the show & had one of his best acting performances since… well probably his last one actually that man doesnt fail to impress to matter what he does. Love him love love him.
That being said the real star was Elton John… & thats all i can actually say about it, everyone comes out talking about him & noone else.
I know these films are over the top & out of place, but thats why i love them they dont take themselves seriously at all until they have to & then it gets really real.
Channing Tatum in that suit oh man oh man oh man even mama took note huma na huma.
If you’ve not seen the first you will need to see that before you see this one, but its worth doing the home work for defiantly. no denying that.
A brilliant night out absolutely fab. One of the best comedy action films in years (& thats saying a lot as theres been a couple in the last 5 years that ive said this about). Obviously the first is still the best but i cant wait to see what they do for number 3.