Weird Letterboxd people are going to love me for watching this film. Yep its time for Kinds of Kindness which i know is going to be very very batshit but i am also so so here for. I also tend to not watch the trailer & have avoided reading stuff linked to this because i want a fun experience so lets do this.
There was about 40 people for my monday night viewing of this which was cool. I mean i get this is a bit niche but still. Most people were millennials too.
Trailers, Trap, Maxxine, Deadpool & ooooh what was the other one there was 4. I clearly wasnt interested in it was it… oooh no i was it was for Longlegs, that looks interesting…
& then the film started… yea theres weird films in the world & then there is this.
So theres 3 stories to watch in this film each a short between 45 to 50 min long. I knew before i went it it was about 3 stories, but i did think they would be much more linked than they actually were so i was a little bit disappointed when all thank linked them was how loyal you can be to people or beliefs & the actors played different people in it. I was expecting it to be much more connected than it actually was.
Each short as well got a little credit scene before the next one which was nice, but still as someone who thought they were going to be much more involved in the thing before it, it threw me a bit.
Out of the three shorts, story 1 is the best for lots of reason. The style , the narrative, Dafoe being insane, the whole presence of feel of it knowing what we thought was going to happen was good. story 2 started off far too intense & then got a bit to weird & was uncomfortable. & then story 3 was just batshit & odd & just an excuse to make one more short & yes it links to story 1 slightly but it was the whackiest.
Jesse for stories 1 & 2 deserves his oscar nomination & plaudits come the end of the year & award season. Truly magnificent. I mean everyone else was good, nothing against Willem & Emma & everyone else they were still good, but maybe thats why story 3 felt like an add on as he wasnt the main drive behind it.
Joe Alwyn is actually an actor?! Bloody hell! Who actually knew…
Being a woman fucking sucks sometimes. There are a lot of objectifications &lack of consent at points in this film. No how about no. Can we stop putting this on the big screen at points now. Its starting to give men the idea again that they control us & they dont. Weve had a few too many examples of this recently & its getting on my nerves a bit.
Because they are all shorts its actually quite hard to write a review because its 3 stories of which all quite early on give you spoiler things to talk about. I cant just sit here & type fingers & livers can i… i mean i just did but out of context that might make you go see it.
This films hype for it &the people in it & the reaction at Cannes has got people to see it & i get it, i mean i saw it. I probably would have seen it anyhow but this all just got a little bit to weird for me if im honest. They would have been better realign them as three shorts & getting awards that was like Wes did last year.