Its not often my pops is more excited to see a film than i am but this one he was so im taking him to our local cinema on a sunday afternoon to go & see Joker & see just how out there it is. I have some reservations but im trying to push it all out of my mind before i go. I want to watch it clearly.
Couple of reasons for the local Dome Cinema to go & see this.
1) its on at a good time
2) the price for the two of us to see it here including parking is less than it would be for me to buy him a ticket at the odeon
3) hes an Senior citizen to them so hes cheaper
three very good reasons people.
The Dome was packed apart from the two seats next to me which for some reason always seems to be the case in screen 1. That also always freaks me out slightly. Also I want to know why the Dome have got rid of their automatic ticket machine to pick the tickets up from. We had to que up with everyone else getting food.
Trailers were Knives Out, Terminator Dark Fate, Doctor Sleep & Birds of Prey (which only came out like the day before on youtube) all very interesting. I did predict what we would get as trailers in correctly tho.
Before i do the norm before i review this i think i need to get this ff my chest first. The Joker is an iconic character & always has been mesmerising. My reservations before watching this film were that we have in the last decade had 3 incarnations of the Joker on screen be it movie or TV (im not even talking games or simulations here by the way i cant get into that ). But everyone who has played him has brought their own to it. Especially Heath. Therefore my concern before going into the film is that number 4 in 11 years is Joker overkill, & we’ve seen this character so many time so recently in different ways. Okay i’ve got this off my chest thank you for listening to that. Now lets do this
& then the film started… I now saw this film over a week ago & there are bits of it still playing out in my mind & im still very conflicted about it, which really bothers me because i can be very black & white about films, but this one really has fallen into a grey area.
Lets discuss Joaquin Phoenix shall we. What a performance that was. It truly was something outstanding & was a work of art & was so twisted & captivating that you really couldnt take your eyes off him at all. A truly wonderful portrayal of Joker & the man will be nominated for best actor at the oscars. If he not there there are 5 more earth shattering performances to come arent there.
Its grim & sadistic when it has to be. It probably has a little bit too much shade in it, we could of had a little more light in some moments of oh okay really, but it was almost balanced perfectly. The balance also provided some of the best twist & oh really moment of the film.
Theres a point in the film that was so shocking it made about 10% of the cinema jump in horror & scream. I just sat there open mouthed going what the fuck. It was so out there & was wow. I have no idea what my dads reaction to it was i was just so in shock. If you’ve seen it you know what im on about. I also think that its about 3 minutes after this point that the film should of ended & we be left on that image we didnt need the 10mins afterwards of it.
Anything filmed on a train in this film was perfection. Both of the main ones of these were just oh yes keep this kinda stuff going please, im enjoying this. Trains are very in for super heros at the moment arent they. But yea they were good scenes.
If you are going to see this film for it being a batman film, then dont. You get a few snippets & set ups but not enough to make this apart of any batman future or DCEU. What you get will be a nice touch but dont go expecting a batcave.
There is one scene where he gets into an auditorium & stands there looking around & hes in the middle of the room with everyone around him & its some of the most stunning cinematography of the year. I sat there watching that 30 seconds going wow, this is cinema at its peak. It truly was beautiful.
I like the fact we talked about depression & negative thoughts & mental illness on all sides of this film. IT made it more than just a comic book film. It gave you a reason to identify with the people in it & think about it. I know the aim of the film isnt entirely about this, but if one person comes out of this film & goes i need to talk to someone we are getting somewhere, especially with this month being mental health month. Its okay not to be okay people talk to someone about it please.
I’m now going to say that there is a bit where he does something & its too much like Heath. I’m sorry it did. & that really pissed me off because it had tried so hard not to do it & then it just did that one moment for 7 seconds & it just made me so angry & let down by the fact they went there. Yes i know hes playing the same character & there will always be comparisons, but it was the whole set up of those 7 seconds. Sorry i didnt like that at all. Thats Heaths moment no yours Phoenix & Phillips.
I can see why this isnt everyone’s cup of tea definitely. It is really going to divide people & its a film people will see because people tell you to go see it, like im about to. However i’m telling you to go see it because of what it stands for & the art of it all & the fact its going to get a lot of award attention in the coming months.
This is a very very very good film & i will watch it again & what i saw will stay with me going around my head for a very very long time. I enjoyed it, but im still not sure i loved it. Does that make sense to you guys? I’ve seen it, ive like it, ive told people to go watch it, yet i still have reservations about it. Im still conflicted by this film even though i know what happens & its good, but theres still something in the back of my head going is it though???
That doesnt clear it up for you does it. My advise if you’ve got the nerve go see it, for the special of it all & then come try & discuss it with me & we will see what we have to say between us.