My Cinema is open once again yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. its been shut for 2 weeks but it had a soft opening on on thursday night & now its back up & running. So lets attempt to see Johnny English again.
I’m not sure the message the cinema was open was passed around much. It was like a grave yard. No one was there at all. Lots off staff all running round going ahhhh but no actual people, especially for a Friday night as half terms about to start too. Whats going on… There was about 15 other people in screen 1 with me thats it.
Trailers we had the really long Bohemian Rhapsody, Mary Poppins & The Nut Cracker & that was it, then the film started, which is always nice when its keen.
So yea the film started & honestly if you’ve seen the trailers or seen Johnny English before what you see is what you get & its still a formula that works incredibly well.
The jokes can some times be a little bit predictable, but then there are some which are just so out there, that you go yes yes. You know the fact he should be teaching geography but hes actually teaching them to be spies & its just brilliant. I also like the fact that some of the jokes are taking the piss out of the franchise itself, about how out dated they are & the fat its 2018 & we cant do this or that anymore. Health & safety & other procedures its brilliant.
As much as its a shame Daniel Kaluuya isnt back because you know hes Daniel Kaluuya (hes got bigger fish to fry now) I am so happy Ben Miller was back. I love Ben Miller, hes brilliant & should get bigger kudos than he gets. & he brings it.
This isnt to say that Rowan doesnt by the way. He is always brilliant so theres not much to say there. The fact that hes much older now & is still doing all of this is amazing good on him. I know that what he does is still relatively safe & sound compared to other spy action films, but what he does still demands a lot of effort.
I mean that Dance scene & the virtual reality are both epic. You see bit of them in the trailer & know roughly whats going to happen in both but the way in which we get to them both & then seeing them & the aftermath are just brilliant. I was full on crying after the virtual reality bit with laughter, & tears rolling down my face. It was properly funny & i loved it.
Some of the cameos in this film are so epic too. Gambon, Dance, Thompson. All these people just wanted to be in a Johnny English film, & i dont blame them for one second. All put effort & love & star power into it too. That should be how you use a big name.
It was clever when it needed to bit & picked up bits from the past & did make you think at some points.
Bad guy was a little bit generic, but he was still clever & the way they defeated him was just perfect. The actor has been in a few things ive seen recently so hes obviously got something going for him.
So after all thats happened in the world of cinema & technology & viewing, Johnny English is still relevant in a modern world. What you see id what you get & thats what we love about it. If it aint broke dont fix it & this is the perfect example of that. Thank you Rowan & British cinema for just being you.