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We’re gonna need a bigger boat…

Time for you all to go what the hell… i’ve never seen all of Jaws. I’ve seen the iconic bits & the end but other than that nothing. So its on at my odeon as a one off for one of its anniversary & its covered by my limitless card so im here lets do this.

a 7pm film is always a bit odd if im honest. I did go for a lovely beach walk before hand through & purchased film tickets for the rest of the week (double bubble back to back in a row).

Screen 5 was either going to have 7 people in there or be sold out, that was my opinion before we started. It had probably about 50 to 75 people in there which isnt bad. Lots in the premier seats too.

No adverts just a couple of trailers. I do love the new Lion king one when the meerkats from the car insurance go crazy at Timon singing & being in a film. We also had trailers for Terminator, Hobbs & Shaw & Once upon time in Hollywood. Good bunch of trailers.

& then the film started… i know this has been out a while & is a classic, but knowing various cinemas are showing it over the few weeks plus its going to be added to sky cinema soon for the first time ever, i will try to do this like normal cinema club review, but if i do mention some spoilers apologies if i have ruined it for you… Not that i think that is possible.

Well I appreciate the craftsmanship & work & technology at the time i really can. For then it really was something special & outstanding. Now it all does look really dated, but that adds to the charm of it. & where its been touched up to be in HD is pretty darn cool & makes it really clear.

I also love the films bravery that you dont see said shark properly until theres only 35 minutes of the film left. Even if the film was made today people would go oh wow good on the for not the reveal straight away. Its so brave & clever & should be commended for it.

From the point of the Shark turning up & the We’re going to need a bigger boat, the film is epic & it some stunning cinema for the time & still stands out today & is just wow, right to the end. But the 85 minutes before that point are all a bit meh & didnt grab me too much. I only jumped or got concerned at one bit when a dead body fell out of a boat, but other than that meh.

The noise that is the shark the music of dur dur dur dur dur durrrrrrrrrrrrr is one of the most suspenseful themes for a villain ever, two notes quite low. its good.

For a man who hated the water Cheif Brody knew an awful lot about that boat & what to do with it by the end of the film & did it all perfectly. The bit where they are all actually properly drunk on that boat is good.

I wonder if the marina & brighton beach would shut if we had a shark. I think we make enough money to get through it if im honest wed be fine.

Love that even then you didnt listen to the guy who was actually useful until it was too late, for his knowledge. Hollywood still continues with this to this day.

The body in that little box as it had all been eaten, that was funny, probably shouldn’t have found it s funny but i did.

Over all im glad ive seen it & can tick it off my must watch list. I appreciate it for where it came from & whats been made because of it. But at least i know now that sharks arent my thing.

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