It’s here at last yes yes yes
I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Jason Bourne the 5th film of the franchise & the 4th with Matt Damon. Yes this is the one.
One down point tho mum didn’t go with me to see it. We’ve got a thing with Bourne but she’s on a cruise & I couldn’t wait for her to come back in 2 weeks.
So a Monday afternoon after work in the summer holidays bloody hell the cinema was packed with kids.
Screen 7 is okay as a cinema but it’s a little bit to close to the screen unless you want to pay more for the premier seat. something I’m not keen on doing.
Not many trailers but we had two for Brent. Always a laugh. There was also the alternative Bourne version of dory,in the shallows which looks Shit & suicide squad which looks epic next week wahay.
Cinema was about 30% full not bad I do think I was the only woman in there though.
So you all want to know was it worth the wait… yes of course it fucking was. It was brilliant.
Every actor brought there a game there wasn’t a bad performance in the entire film.
I’m glad the shaky camera was back making you feel like you are in the fight.
That car chase in Vegas was brilliant (that’s not a spoiler it’s in the trailer).
The story stood up with the rest of the series & helped to fill on a few more gaps in Bourne’s memory ish well to a point.
It may not be the best Bourne film but it make spectre look shabby, except for Dave Batista of course.
Bourne is back & I am very very happy with it, I’m not going to ring my bell for best film of the year yet but it’s definitely going to be up there.
Hurry up & come home from holiday mum so I can take you & I can see it again.