Completely spontaneous cinema viewing this. I was at my parents & was like hmmm can i get to a film by a certain time & now behold ive just parked at the marina 40mins later, ready to go on an easter egg hunt for inside out 2 again & to try not to cry bucket loads.
My 5:10 screening was almost sold out (this is weekend too by the way) the family in the row behind me the little girl asked why i was here on my own & her parents told her not to be rude so i told her its cos my friends have kids & i wanted to see it but couldnt go when they were. She believed it bless her. It was mainly families with kids which makes sense.
Trailers, same as the first time so Wild Robot, Paddington, despicable me. A good decent set of them.
& then the film started… so much for easter egg hunting. (heres the first review by the way)
I cried even harder, it actually hurt & thats saying a lot. Maybe because i knew the breakdown was coming.
I did find a couple of easter eggs which was fun, not as many as i thought i would as i was too busy trying not to cry or tell Riley no dont do that.
Riley really does have a crap couple of days doesnt she. I mean its hard enough to do this as an adult. I really feel for my parents now having to deal with me doing that & then my sister starting it straight afterwards. I mean yes i did shut my bedroom door & put muse & linkin park on through all of my stages but still.
I need more Nostalgia. Shes got to be in inside out 3.
Envy i love even more. She owns it so so much & is wonderful & just a little bundle of energy.
So anxiety pulls a face at one point in this film & ive realised its a face i pull at least once a day. When it happened i was like oh god thats me.
We need more Delulu in our lives for sure.
I am still obsessed with the belief system too.
& my theory im now certain of, even more so now.
As i left the cinema a kid said to her parents well im not going to let anxiety get to me when im older & that made me style but then also broke my heart. Good luck with that kid i hope it is all okay for you.
Yea this is still a buzzer contender for sure. Its still going through my mind & just works so so well. It so worth your time peoples, go see it please. Lets get this to a billion, even if its for the evil house of mouse & before you all go minion mad.